Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Major Shift In The Chinese Nuclear Posture

Chinese missile launchers. China Daily Mail

New York Times: China Making Some Missiles More Powerful

WASHINGTON — After decades of maintaining a minimal nuclear force, China has re-engineered many of its long-range ballistic missiles to carry multiple warheads, a step that federal officials and policy analysts say appears designed to give pause to the United States as it prepares to deploy more robust missile defenses in the Pacific.

What makes China’s decision particularly notable is that the technology of miniaturizing warheads and putting three or more atop a single missile has been in Chinese hands for decades. But a succession of Chinese leaders deliberately let it sit unused; they were not interested in getting into the kind of arms race that characterized the Cold War nuclear competition between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Now, however, President Xi Jinping appears to have altered course, at the same moment that he is building military airfields on disputed islands in the South China Sea, declaring exclusive Chinese “air defense identification zones,” sending Chinese submarines through the Persian Gulf for the first time and creating a powerful new arsenal of cyberweapons.

WNU Editor: They have become like the Russians .... concerned that U.S. missile defense will be able to intercept their nuclear missiles .... hence the new nuclear arms policy.


Anonymous said...

So China must not be allowed more nm. What utter rubbish. believe me. The Chinese will make sure they will have a near assured destruction capability with respect to the US 100% assured destruction capability.
Currently the PLA nm able to strike the US is at the most twenty.I believe China must have a minimum of at least a hundred nm to wreak destruction on the US.
The US can launch maybe 1 thousand nm.
Hang on. The readiation will make the northern hemisphere hostile to human habitation for thousands of years. Oh I forget US scientists can overcome this problem.

Anonymous said...

Imho,if China had no nw,the US would have insisted Taiwan is an independent country and would have use nw had a war erupted.The problem is for the US to use nw is not without costs compared to Mao's time or even ten years ago.Though China can be defeated and wiped of the world map,the costs to the US will be unimaginable.
That China shd continue to invest in more nw shdn't surprise US
officials.If the roles were reversed,the US would do exactly what the Chinese will be doing. That is why get ready for more Chinese subs to be deployed in the oceans. Though they are noisy and inferior to US subs, they can get the job done.The PLA will make sure China has a reliable and secure n deterrent that will will not stfled by anti missile shield.

Anonymous said...

The current tension in the SEA waters is a golden opportunity for the US to destroy China's military once and for all.China may not be a peer of thee US but they have a significant military firepower which can wreak havoc on US assets. The US cannot expect total or partial
immunity from PLA retaliatory attack.
The PLA will increase its nm to keep in tandem with US missile defences so that the wh will note any use of nw will elicit a response .Granted the US outnumber the PLA nm by a massive margin.
China can be dismembered/destroyed/carved up,etc but the destruction by PLA nm will be such as to render NA uninhabitable for along time.And it could get worse as the Chinese flushed with money will invest in more lethal and powerful weapons.