Sunday, November 29, 2015

Russia's Use Of The Caspian Sea To Launch Missiles At Syrian Targets Is Making Neighbouring States 'Nervous'

The Diplomat: Turkey-Russia Tensions Put Caspian States in a Bind

Moscow’s broader international military engagements might worry its Caspian neighbors.

Russia’s intervention in the Syrian Civil War is leaving the former Soviet republics on the Caspian Sea littoral in an uncomfortable place. Caught between their historic relationships with Moscow and concerns for their own security, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan are clearly in an unenviable political position. Moreover, unprecedented Russian military action risks destabilizing otherwise steady diplomatic ties.

A November 4 security agreement concluded by Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan is one indication that something is amiss in the Caspian Sea. The plan notably provides for joint Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan naval exercises on the inland sea.

WNU Editor: These neighbouring states may feel uneasy, but for the moment they are going to remain quiet.

1 comment:

fazman said...

Theyve got no reason to worry life goes on as normal for them.