Saturday, April 16, 2016

US Transfers 9 Yemeni Inmates From Guantanamo To Saudi Arabia

The Guardian: Nine more Guantánamo Bay prisoners released as population dwindles to 80

* Hunger striker Tariq Ba Odah among nine Yemenis released
* Move announced ahead of Obama visit to key ally Saudi Arabia

As Barack Obama prepares to visit Saudi Arabia, the Saudi royal family has taken custody of nine longtime Guantánamo Bay detainees, bringing Obama closer to his goal of shuttering the infamous detention facility.

The transfer puts the residual Guantánamo detainee population at 80, the lowest it has been in its 14-year history.

The transfer also clears another statistical milestone for the administration. There are now more detainees approved to leave Guantánamo, 26, than there are so-called “forever detainees”, the term lawyers use to describe those whom the administration has insufficient evidence to charge but claims are too dangerous to release.

There are 22 “forever prisoners”, who are expected to remain confined even if Obama succeeds in his goal of closing the Guantánamo detention center.

They are joined by 32 men in some stage of the long-stalled military tribunals process, although 22 of those have been referred for prosecution and not yet charged.

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More News On The US Transfering 9 Yemeni Inmates From Guantanamo To Saudi Arabia

9 Guantanamo Bay detainees, including one who waged a long hunger strike, are sent to Saudi Arabia -- Washington Post
9 Guantánamo Prisoners From Yemen Are Sent to Saudi Arabia -- NYT
U.S. sends nine Yemeni prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia -- Reuters
U.S. Transfers Nine Guantanamo Prisoners to Saudi Arabia -- WSJ
U.S. Transfers Nine Guantanamo Bay Prisoners to Saudi Arabia -- Bloomberg
Nine Guantanamo detainees transferred to Saudi Arabia -- CNN
US Transfers 9 Yemeni Inmates From Guantanamo -- VOA
US frees 9 Guantanamo prisoners, sends them to Saudi Arabia -- FOX News

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At this rate Obama will have kept his campaign promise to his base to the detriment of America.

IMO this will happen before January 20, 2017. But hey, I was wrong about Mosul.

I believe that in 5 to 8 years the percentage of Obama releasees going back to jihad will be higher than GWB's.

At least Obama had the benefit of seeing what GWB's releasees did. He had something like 20/20 hindsight and yet he proceeds to folly.