Saturday, May 21, 2016

Should The U.S. Create A 'Foreign Legion'

Photo of Army Parade in Rome, 2 june 2007, Festa della Repubblica Italiana. Wikipedia

Steven Metz, WPR: Why the United States Should Consider Creating a Foreign Legion

In 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama campaigned for president promising to extricate the United States from its grinding wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. His administration, Obama hoped, would be known for domestic programs rather than war-fighting. Unfortunately America’s adversaries had different intentions. Obama has now been at war longer than any other U.S. president.

A case can be made that America’s ongoing military involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria and elsewhere does not constitute “war” in the constitutional and strategic senses of the word. But it is clear that armed strife is the new normal, not an episodic aberration as it was for most of U.S. history. Even so, Americans have not yet fully come to grips with the idea of persistent conflict, instead clinging to the hope that once al-Qaida and the self-styled Islamic State are defeated, peace will return. This will not happen.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The French Foreign legion is unique because it was created for foreign nationals willing to serve in the French Armed Forces .... but should the U.S. create its own version of an American Foreign Legion? This is an idea that I will need to think about .... but I do know one thing, it will not have a shortage of recruits. On a side note .... and this is probably the reason why I have always been interested in the French Foreign Legion .... my father did a paper recommending in the 1970s the establishment of a Soviet Foreign Legion. My father passed away years ago .... but I still do not know why his idea was turned down .... and no one is willing to tell me .... even to this day. Sighhh .... one of those mysteries that will never be answered.


Jay Farquharson said...

The US already has a Foreign Legion.

Over 80,000, more than 4% of US Servicemen and Women are not US Citizens.

The "Foreign Legion" Concept is built around the idea of having "disposable" soldiers for Colonial Wars that otherwise, the citizenry might have concerns about.

RRH said...

A foreign legion? Where have these peole been? Under a bloody rock??

There were no shortage of soldiers working on their citizenship in Afghanistan.

There are also not a few foreigners working for Dyncorp, PAE, Mesapotamia, Frontec, re-named/animated Blackwater etc etc on and on. And no one gives a $#!/ about them, what they do, how they do it, or, most especially, who they're doing it to. Least of all the people paying the taxes that take care of the invoices.

As for the Soviets, I'll bite.

I'm willing to bet the revisionists infesting the Kremlin/Politburo would have had absolutely no use for an international(ist) armed force of dedicated communists...which I'm willing to bet mostof them would have been. Could you imagine?? Remember how pissed they were when the Cubans went into Angola? Imagine a bunch of Red Legionares, trained, armed, well organized, taking the class war/anti imperialist thing seriously and tear assing through, say, Africa or Latin America the Balkans?

---For a mini version check out some of the red militias in Donbas today.---

Yeah right. The gang that plotted day in and out undermining the socialist project in the USSR from within wanted that like the Devil wants a tall glass of holy water!!

RRH said...

The "citizenry", for the most part, have a settler/colonial mindset. Hence, the "if you wont stand with out troops... bumber stickers, highways of heroes, "support troops" all over everything and everybody.

Jesus, Canada IS a foreign legion garrison community "ready aye readying" any goddamn awful "kill the bloody wogs(or whomever needs killing)" policy that is spawned by the plantation mindset of those running America.

RRH said...

I just had a thought. Comrade Colonel Kurtz running wild.

The horror, the horror....

Jay Farquharson said...

All of the European Foreign Legions were "Officered" by Regular Army Officers, and the ranks were filled with criminals, fugitives, War Junkies and ex-Soldiers from other Armies.

Their deployment and missions were decided by the Government.

Their advantage was that they were "foreign". If they committed an atrocity, or their post got wiped out to the last man, in some far flung corner of "The Empire", "nobody" cared, as they wern't French, or Belgian, or Spanish.

They were expendable, unredeemable and unmentioned.

That is why the idea of a "Foreign Legion" is "attractive" again for a certain class of moron. Despite how little MSM coverage the US/NATO Colonial War's get these day's, if most of the far flung deployments were America's Foreign Legion, rather than son's and daughters, they would get no coverage at all.

For the Soviet Union, the same "advantages" would have applied, (Afghanistan), with the additional advantage that during the Cold War, in the "hot zones", boundaries could have been pushed further, as all those "Soviet Technical Advisors", from jet pilots in Korea to SAM crews in Egypt, would have been completely "expendable".

phill said...


I think you've hit a nerve.... from Canada!

RRH said...

Oh I get it,

But disadvantages apply too. And the morons don't think about those; but if they thought they wouldn't be morons right?

The problem with "legions" is that a good many of their members are ideologically driven (or just plain batshit crazy) ...whether it's a criminal ideology, white supremacy, imperialist etc. Or in the Soviet case, Communist/socialist. After performing "their service", a good many of them don't stop fighting. Pretty soon they're popping up in places like Zimbabwe/Rhodesia, the Congo, Mozambique, Afghanistan etc on somebody's payroll.

They often get "out of control" and put their ex bosses in more difficult situations that the ones they were trying to avoid in the first place. For instance, when high profile members do things like massacre a village, or bomb an embassy, spearhead a coup not signed off on by such and such government/think tank. These people don't just go away. Someone always asks questions.

And everybody is somebody's son or daughter; even if mom or dad don't care to take ownership.

Here's some gen-U-wine home grown legionnaire material for ya Jay.

And here's some of that post service service.

I'll bet the Soviets would have got more than they bargained for. What type of person would join a Soviet Foreign Legion? There would be a different ideological motivation for the Red Legionnaire radar operator or BMP driver. Otherise, why not defect and join one of the readily available western varieties?

Regardless, criminals, and the morons who want to enlist them, belong in labour re-education camps. Not state sponsored fighting units. It's a western thing though....

If you're really curious, just keep an eye on CPAC or Hansard. I'm sure their rehabilitated heritage organization will soon be up for an official invitation
to dinner at the Chateau Laurier with the PM and distinguished guests. An added touch will be the twin Stielgranate insignia crossed with the Maple Leaf prominently displayed over the podium---- and on each and every goddamned napkin.

"Oh, excuse moi Herr Derlewinger. Passe vous la bouffe si vous plais."

RRH said...

But I should add,

"Somebody always asks questions..." except Canadians that is. Just pass the beouf, OK Man? Don Cherry (yes, Canadian Foreign Policy is made on Coach's Corner, has been for some time now) knows what he's doing.

RRH said...

Ha, ha, I love it

"Some Nazi officials romanticized the unit, viewing the men as "pure primitive German men" who were "resisting the law".[10]"

How inspiring. I'm sending that money order to SOS Ukraine right now.

Sure, sure form a legion. No one, but no one can pull their pants down and show their ass to the whole world like "the west" can. Over and over ad infinitum, or until the right folks get hold of a brick....

Jay Farquharson said...

Foriegn Legions are for wars you shouldn't be fighting.

That is their attraction and why the "Ususal Suspects" are raising the concept again.

They are "immoral", in the regards that a society should either be involved in fighting a war, or it should not be fighting a war. All in or nothing.

"Legions", proxies and and and a "Volenteer" military, allow Nations States to intervene and fight wars that the mass of Society want nothing to do with, and allow the Ruling Class to "pull triggers" with out consequence.

War goes from being a "National Issue", to a private game.

Jay Farquharson said...

While the French, Spanish, Portuguese and Belgian Foreign Legions have "stellar" combat histories, ( complete with atrocities),

The Waffen SS "Foreign Legions", in general, only ran up a "stellar" track record of genocide and usually "ran away" from combat with a "peer" military.

A large part of this was the "motivations" of the rank and file, and the Staffing of the Officer and NCO ranks with sociopathic and criminal elements of the Germanic Waffen SS, ( as a means of getting them out of the actual "Army").

RRH said...

War, for "the west", IS a private game my exceptionally ---downright exceptional---countryman. "The mass of society", or a significant sector of it, lives off of it. It's the biggest welfare program going.

Ever see a Canadian union representating defence industry employees strike over a war???

How about that big fat LAV contract? How many Yemenis gotta die to keep Canadian "society" in in ground swimming pools, SUVs and Harley's???

Canadians don't give a shit. When any stink is made it's for show. Like lipstick a pig. For Chrissakes, they let NAZIs in the f'n PMO!!!

Dumb m@@@#$f%%%ers.

They ruling class doesnt need a foreign legion. They have a whole legion of cretinized retards who only care about the next six month same as cash finance deal for that big screen TV they can watch the hockey game on. They pay $100+ bucks a month cable bill to watch "funny" commercials and ridiculous propaganda (which they lap up like dogs do a scrap you drop from your table). Dumber still, they pay taxes to fund a "public" (pubic?) broadcaster to blast really BAD programming, COMMERCIALs, and more propaganda (glory to the nation!!) into their homes. Oh,I know, I know, funding was cut, they gotta run commercials. But what group of dummies allowed that to happe? Yep, the same groups that doesn't give a popcorn fart about war other than it makes "heroes" and wait Ray, they'll be eulagizing the fuckers yet as some anti Bolshevik heroes (this documentary paid for in part by generous grants from general Dynamics Canada "Git Some!!", RBC "30 years same as cash" , and Canada Post "Who needs door to door? You need exercise. Enjoy the corner box. Enjoy the walk. A proud sponsor of Participaction.")

Jay, respectfully,

They Don't Give A Shit.

If I had an necklace of ears from Afghanistan I could put up a sign on the lawn and charge five bucks a head for admission. Barring some notable exceptions who would find it "Ew, gross!" the f'ers would bring their kids.

RRH said...

And believe me, I "get" what you're saying but I think you're saying it about a society that does not exist anymore. Sure there are malcontents, but they don't count. They destroyed Libya,pograms against black people were unleashed. Haiti is still a bloody disaster. They are actively rehabilitating Nazis Jay. Over and out.

They ain't hidin' shit. And ain't concerned about it either. Again, they've pulled down their pants and bared their asses to the whole world. There's no behaviour too rotten, too dirty, too abberant. No lie too big. And the population by and large buys it hook line and sinker.... just don't cut the credit!!!!!

And it's only going to get worse,

A legion my ass.

RRH said...

The "Usual Suspects" are out to lunch. As usual.

And Dirlewanker held the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, the Gold Cross, and promotion after promotion. Those puss sacks he led took heavy casualties in every battle they fought, and they fought.

Any foreign legion the U.S. or Canada raises would be made up of the same type of folks. Just like the "rebels" and "patriots" they back in the Middle East and in the Ukraine.

RRH said...

And they should all have a "stellar record" of making big rocks into little rocks above the Arctic Circle.

Stephen Davenport said...

The Russians do have an unofficial "foreign legion" in the Chechens, who they used in Georgia and Ukraine. As for the USA, I am against creating a "foreign legion" but do support foreigners serving in existing branches of the military. If they serve honorably and want to be a US citizen, I say welcome to the USA.

Country said...

FFL gives alot of guys a second chance who want it and need it and dont just take anybody especially drug dealers or violent crimamals. Today they are used in tandum with the rest of the french military. For the US dont know if it would be a good idea but the FFL seems to still be judged from a reputation that was gained long ago.