Tuesday, July 12, 2016

More Details Emerge From The U.S.-Led Coalition Air Attack That Destroyed A Convoy Of Islamic State Fighters Fleeing Fallujah Two Weeks Ago

USA Today: Inside look at U.S.-led coalition's deadliest single attack on ISIL

The initial reports coming into Baghdad’s operations center seemed implausible: A convoy of dozens of Islamic State vehicles were preparing to flee advancing Iraqi forces in Fallujah.

A surveillance drone dispatched to the area confirmed the reports. Staff officers gathered around screens and stared incredulously as the numbers of vehicles continued to expand, the militants apparently oblivious to the target they presented from the air.

It was an unprecedented opportunity. The Islamic State had learned to avoid massing in large numbers to avoid airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition. Now the militants were clustered in a traffic jam south of the city in what appeared to be a panicked retreat from Fallujah, about 35 miles west of Baghdad. “There was no missing it,” said Maj. Gen. Jay Silveria, deputy commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Command.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The above video does not show "348 militants were killed and more than 200 vehicles destroyed" .... but this could have been due to editing.


Stefan said...

Highway of Death part 2?

James said...

I still believe very little of this report.