Saturday, July 16, 2016

This Is Why The Coup In Turkey Failed

WNU Editor: If you launch a coup against the King .... make sure that you kill the King or put him behind bars. The above video from the France 24 reporter is spot on.

1 comment:

James said...

There is something not right about this. I know that I say this alot, but I maintain it here. The elements of government and military involved and their actions along with Erdogan's actions, coupled with the overall timeline of general events does not spell a real authenic coup. I realize that coups composed as they are with people can be poorly planned and executed, but this doesn't ring of incompetence so much as convenience for Erdogan and supporters.
He has promised purging of the military which is to be expected, but I would watch for any moves he would make against civilians and civilian institutional opposition or possible opposition.