Saturday, September 17, 2016

South Korea Once Trained A Commando Unit To Assassinate The North Korean Leader (Hint: It Ended Badly)

Business Insider: South Korea once trained a secret unit to assassinate the North Korean president — but it backfired completely

Although North Korea may bear the brunt of the jokes on the international stage, it wasn’t always like this.

On January 21, 1968, 15 years after the Korean War, North Korean commandos were caught attempting to assassinate South Korean President Park Chung-hee.

Dressed as South Korean soldiers, these operators managed to cross the border and come a few hundred yards shy of the Blue House, the traditional residence of South Korea’s presidents.

After an intense firefight with US and South Korean troops, 29 of the 31 commandos were either killed or took their own lives.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Someone must have watched the movie "The Dirty Dozen" .... and decided to make an equivalent unit for the South Korean military/intelligence services.


Jay Farquharson said...

At the time, South Korea was just another one of our "brutal Military Dictatorships", not a democracy. Punitive Battalions are a common feature of brutal Military Dictatorships.

B.Poster said...

North Korea is far more powerful than South Korea. It'd be prudent for SK to try and realize asuch tnings. I've lived in a neighborhood with those more powerful tnan me who would be inclined to harm me and were more powerful tnan me. I first asked myself "how can I stay out of their way?" This ultimately failed. Fortunately for me and my family I recognized their superior position. The next question was "how can value be added?" This was answered in the affirmative and thus far good outcomes relative to the neighbors. Soutn Korea needs to recogonize the superior position of North Korea and act accordingly.

What this means for them I do not know. I'd suggest at a mimimum 1.) telling US forces to leave NOW. This would likely lessen tensions. 2.) South Korea should develop a nuclear aresnal as soon as possible. Such a development could provide a deterent againat North Korea and perhaps emcourage a resolution of the conflict.

During negotiations South Korea will need to recognize the superiority kf North Korea. A viable nuclear deterrent wluld be extremely helpful. Tney need to start on this YESTERDAY.

fazman said...

South korea is far more powerful than nth korea, equating boots with military proficiency is a big error, saddam learnt that one
Nth korean airpower is virtually non existent, their pilots due to fuel shortages have next to nil airtime and run drills in 1960 simulators.
They will have no breathing spacein a conflict, lomited fuel, limited ammo and an impoverishedindustrial base.

Not to menton that all communications will be down , and sam operators will be firing blind tefusing to turn on aquisition radars knowing full well that a h.a.r.m will soon follow.
Nth korea is militarily garbage and will rely on their initial artillary and rocket salvos to exact pain in advance on the south , as they damn well know these fixed positions will be gone within the day.

fazman said...

South korea is far more powerful than nth korea, equating boots with military proficiency is a big error, saddam learnt that one
Nth korean airpower is virtually non existent, their pilots due to fuel shortages have next to nil airtime and run drills in 1960 simulators.
They will have no breathing spacein a conflict, lomited fuel, limited ammo and an impoverishedindustrial base.

Not to menton that all communications will be down , and sam operators will be firing blind tefusing to turn on aquisition radars knowing full well that a h.a.r.m will soon follow.
Nth korea is militarily garbage and will rely on their initial artillary and rocket salvos to exact pain in advance on the south , as they damn well know these fixed positions will be gone within the day.