Sunday, September 17, 2017

U.S. Dramatically Expands Kabul Security Zone

New York Times: Digging In for Next Decade, U.S. Expands Kabul Security Zone

KABUL, Afghanistan — Soon, American Embassy employees in Kabul will no longer need to take a Chinook helicopter ride to cross the street to a military base less than 100 yards outside the present Green Zone security district.

Instead, the boundaries of the Green Zone will be redrawn to include that base, known as the Kabul City Compound, formerly the headquarters for American Special Operations forces in the capital. The zone is separated from the rest of the city by a network of police, military and private security checkpoints.

The expansion is part of a huge public works project that over the next two years will reshape the center of this city of five million to bring nearly all Western embassies, major government ministries, and NATO and American military headquarters within the protected area.

After 16 years of American presence in Kabul, it is a stark acknowledgment that even the city’s central districts have become too difficult to defend from Taliban bombings.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: More proof that U.S. and coalition allies are preparing for a long stay in Afghanistan.


jimbrown said...

Why does my gut tell me on so many levels that this is a very bad idea?

This is an ominous sign of a retreat from the roof tops in two to three years,

Have we become a tribal warlord too? Realizing that the central government has no power?

Hide Behind said...

At a cost of over $12,000,000 000,USD, a year to support the world's largest and most luxurious embassy in world located in Iraq's Green Zone can this newest uS embassy expansion in Afghanistan be heading for a new record?
Where as embassy employees are already paid more than double and triple salaries compared to what other postings paid while living tax free, with even chefs and great cuisine, manicure and hair salons, and free junkets on weekends to Euro destinations. within surroundings of
luxury that even Iraq or Afghan Presidents cannot touch.
AND as in Iraq the cost of private security contractors, which is under national security seal at State Dept and the cost and numbers, of and where military also sealed not included.
Free Port Duty Free buying of luxury items such as electronics , booze and jewelry also soften the blow to bureaucrats fat ass.
Meanwhile it is Euro supply sources under US contract that gouge the he'll out of we taxpayers; such as $20-30 per pound chicken and $50-60 per pound steaks And over $100 for lowest wine and spirits per bottle.
If you think our military is buying Fuel from US think again.
OF COURSE ALL RESOURCE CONTRACTS WITHIN Iraq and Afghanistan need first approval through those embassiies.
So at least the 10%ers are making a financial killing, while we tax payers do the blood killings.