Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Look At Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team And Where They Are Focusing Their Investigation

Robert Mueller. Aaron Bernstein / Reuters

Politico: What Mueller's org chart reveals about his Russia probe

Workload for the special counsel’s team — now 17 prosecutors — shows how he’s conducting the probe and what may come next.

Special counsel Robert Mueller has not publicly uttered a single word about the direction of his high-stakes Russia probe.

But the way he’s assigned the 17 federal prosecutors on his team — pieced together by POLITICO from court filings and interviews with lawyers familiar with the Russia cases — gives insight into how he’s conducting the investigation and what might be next.

His most experienced attorneys have discrete targets, such as former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and current White House aides. Mueller’s longtime chief of staff is coordinating all the lawyers, including some who cover multiple topics. Select FBI special agents have been tapped to question witnesses.

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WNU Editor: I am with Conrad Black on this one .... Ring Down the Curtain on This Fiasco (Conrad Black, NRO). More to the point, if they find nothing substantial on Russian collusion that they can charge people for a crime by spring .... and for me process crimes (people lying to the FBI), and not paying their taxes (Paul Manafort) does not count .... it will be time to consider shutting this down.


fred said...

Poll: Majority of voters says Mueller probe is 'fair'

Unknown said...

Majority of people cannot find this or that country.

Also remember an editor of Newsweek said that in a presidential election that MSM prostitution was worth 15 percentage points in presidential polls or votes on election night.

The pressititutes are still pressing their wares of dubious quality and undoubted ability to make people sick. So if the polls seem mad, it is because the people are infected by trollops of questionable virtue.

Unknown said...

I am not sure Manafort has not paid his taxes.

I do know that taxes as an expatriate are complicated. Manafort was not that, but he made money overseas and so it is complicated. I would have no problem sending a tax scofflaw to jail. I would have no problem engaging in jury nullification to stymie select prosecution of people. Especially since Comey and Mueller are as guilty as sin (server & Uranium 1).

If he has not paid all his taxes I am not sure that prosecution would stand up. Suppose as a prosecutor I only investigated blacks for not paying their taxes. Should that stand up in court?