Sunday, August 26, 2018

Navy SEAL Who Led The Bin Laden Raid Is Being Eyed As A Political Contender For 2020

Retired Navy SEAL Adm. William McRaven. Gary Cameron / Reuters

Business Insider: After his op-ed slamming Trump, the Navy SEAL who oversaw the Bin Laden raid is being eyed as a political contender for 2020

In a scathing op-ed penned last week, retired Navy SEAL Adm. William McRaven called President Donald Trump a divisive leader who has "embarrassed" the United States and challenged the president to revoke his security clearance.

His pointed commentary, which is unusual for a retired military leader, gathered over 8,700 comments on the Washington Post alone and vaulted McRaven into the limelight as a 2020 political contender.

While the admiral is no stranger to public attention — his 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas has over 6.7 million views on YouTube and has made him a household name — his latest also seems to have caught the attention of former Vice President Joe Biden.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: William McRaven is no stranger in politics. Some were speculating in 2016 that he was going to be Hillary Clinton's running mate in 2016 .... Clinton-McRaven in 2016? (The Hill). But will he run for office? My gut is telling me no.


Roger Smith said...

"...Led the Bin Laden raid". Led? Just exactly from where did he lead?

Anon #87 said...

Most likely? From a satellite up-linked situation room in the Pentagon.

Roger Smith said...

And 10 feet underground to protect them all from al queda's air force.