Sunday, August 19, 2018

Venezuela's Neighboring Countries Are Closing The Border To Fleeing Venezuelans (Update)

The Guardian: Fleeing Venezuelans face suspicion and hostility as migration crisis worsens

Ecuadorian border town struggling to cope with exodus driven by economic collapse and political turmoil

Nicolás Maduro has belittled the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans fleeing across the Andes as gullible “slaves and beggars” duped into scrubbing foreign toilets by enemies of the Bolivarian revolution.

The United Nations says 2.3 million people, more than 7% of Venezuela’s population, have left the country since 2015, with most heading to Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Half a million have arrived this year in Ecuador alone.

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More News On Venezuela's Neighboring Countries Closing The Border To Fleeing Venezuelans

Brazil sends troops to Venezuela border after residents drive out migrants from improvised camps -- The Telegraph
Venezuelans facing migration crackdown -- Channel 4
Ecuador tightens entry rules for Venezuelan migrants -- BBC
Venezuelan migrants' dreams of new life dashed by Ecuador passport rule -- Reuters

1 comment:

Roger Smith said...

Where's Bernie's comments? Or, if one has an unusually strong stomach, those of the 2009 Nobel peace prize recipient?