Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Cure For PTSD?

A data visualization showing different regions of brain in terms of electrical activity, gathered via EEG. Newport Brain Treatment Lab

Defense One: Zap: How Electric Therapy Is Curing Navy SEALs of PTSD … And Could Remake Brain Science

Hundreds of vets have tried out an experimental new treatment that could change how the world addresses mental disorders.

Tony didn’t know what to expect when he walked into the Brain Treatment Center in San Diego, California, last spring. The former Navy SEAL only knew that he needed help. His service in Iraq and Afghanistan was taking a heavy toll on his mental and physical wellbeing. He had trouble concentrating, remembering, and was given to explosive bursts of anger. “If somebody cut me off driving, I was ready to kill ’em at the drop of a hat,” he said. And after he got into a fistfight on the side of a California road, his son looking on from the car, he decided he was willing to try anything — even an experimental therapy that created an electromagnetic field around his brain.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This could be revolutionary.

Hat tip Rod for this link.

1 comment:

fred said...

PTSD "discovered" in Nam war. In Gulf war, doctors noted that what seemed PTSD was in fact brains and head being rattled by high explosives, the sort of thing we also now associate with football brain injuries. The second of these problems is a physical one; the first, memory, etc...I would guess a distinction is made and has to be made in using the technique here noted...