Tuesday, March 12, 2019

German Chancellor Merkel Supports Her Successor's Idea For An EU Aircraft Carrier

French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Wikipedia

DW: Angela Merkel backs plan for EU aircraft carrier

Angela Merkel has voiced support for some major aspects of CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer's EU vision. The proposals include a joint European aircraft carrier and a permanent EU seat on the Security Council.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday endorsed some of the key European reform ideas put forward by her successor to the Christian Democratic Union leadership Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, including a joint EU aircraft carrier.

Kramp-Karrenbauer, who succeeded Merkel as leader of the CDU in December, etched out her vision in a weekend response to French President Emmanuel Macron's proposals for European Union reform.

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Update #1: Germany's Merkel welcomes idea of European aircraft carrier (FOX News/AP)
Update #2: The strange case of a ‘European aircraft carrier' (Sebastian Sprenger, Defense News)

WNU Editor: When you factor in the planes that are needed, the sailors required, and the support ships to protect such an aircraft carrier, this German idea for an aircraft carrier is years (if not decades away) from becoming real. My suggestion to the German Chancellor and to her successor is that they should prioritize fixing the current military, rather than dreaming of the future .... Germany not satisfied with readiness of submarines, some aircraft (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

Used to love her about 10 yrs ago.. she was really something, now she's just another hack who doesn't know when to leave and talks about grandiose projects but has neither the money nor the stamina to get it done. Just more gas escaping, really. My suggestion: Retire, leave the leadership to someone who gets things done.

Anonymous said...

This nonsense from a country with a completely broken military, accomplished by Merkel over 10 years, is why Trump is right to treat Germany with contempt.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, it will be armed with broomsticks and balsa wood aircraft!!!


War News Updates Editor said...

A blast from the past Anom
I forgot about that one.