Sunday, March 10, 2019

Young Americans Want Socialism

Axios: Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism

Generation Z has a more positive view of the word "socialism" than previous generations, and — along with millennials — are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations, according to a new Harris Poll given exclusively to Axios.

Why it matters: The word "socialism" does not carry the same stigma it did in the past, now that it has been resurrected by celebrity politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Young people's political views often change as they grow older, but their support for socialistic policies is a sign that the old rules of politics are changing fast.

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WNU Editor: Being one who has lived under socialism/communism,  I can easily predict this. If America truly becomes a socialist/communist, the end result will disappoint a lot of Americans.


Anonymous said...

Higher marginal tax rates, please.

Yeah, those Scandinavian countries look like miserable hell holes.

Have at it CHUDS.

Anonymous said...

Calif decided NOT to go ahead with a high-speed train. Trump said he might ask for govt money back. If central govt funds such things, what do you call such arrangements? capitalism pure and simple? name one university or college in the US that does not get govt money...what do you call that?

Bob Huntley said...

Communism, capitalism, socialism, all have some measure of well being for the people but the tendency to go whole hog on any one of these tends to result eventually in failure. The early Middle Ages showed what can happen when there is a dominent wealthy class at the top and the masses below living in abject poverty.

Think of the US today with massive wealth at the top, a diminishing middle class and burgeoning poor class. Eventually the masses will revolt and when that happens in today's world nobody can know what will happen.

It would be better if the wealthy class accepted that massive wealth can be a detriment in the long run and that it might be better to make the lives of the people better now and in the coming years to avoid a revolution. Universal healthcare for instance is an absolute necessity.

Mike Feldhake said...

Bob, I think your accurate with your analysis, however it's wishful thinking. If you read enough history, you will understand that we keep making the same mistakes. Having said that, rich people 'might' just give in a little to stave off the revolution.

Bob Huntley said...

I agree Michael. Man is a wanting animal according to Abraham H. Maslow's theory of wants and needs. Accordingly, if everyone started out equal in wealth and education given time eventually the money would migrate back into the hands of the few, not necessarily the same ones of course, and then the world/country would re-evolve to what it is today. Give up a bit now and maybe delay the inevitable until a better solution comes along. But how to do it, that is the question as nobody really wants to give up what they have, no matter where they are in the hierarchy of relative wealth.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome. Most of us swedes do not like this country anymore. It has little to do with taxes, but more to do with extreme immigration.

Anonymous said...

Norway is NOT China...Sweden is NOT Cuba

Anonymous said...

Bob H
No sensible leftist thinks that all should make and get the same pay etc. As Emerson said: if it snowed this evening, the snow would not fall evenly over everyone's property.
note that even our language use suggests what is going on: if you are content with things as they are, you refer to Capitalism. If, however, you think it is getting out of hand, you refer to Late-Stage Capitalism
Compare what we now have via the govt and its regulations with what was in place in say 1920. Compare what the govt does, offers now with that in 1920. Would you want to return to the 1920s?