Monday, December 7, 2020

Report Says Microwave Radiation 'Most Plausible' Cause Of Diplomats' Ailments In Cuba And China


A report from The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine points to a radio frequency pulse as the "most plausible" cause of the mysterious illness that plagued diplomats and their families in Cuba and China. 

After reviewing the illnesses’ symptoms and possible causes, the committee appointed to review the cases determined that what was observed was “consistent with the effects of directed pulsed radio frequency energy,” the report states. 

While the committee, made up of mostly medical experts, determined a radio frequency (RF) pulse was the most likely cause, they also said that there could have been other causes contributing to the illness and producing additional signs and symptoms. 

WNU Editor: It appears that US officials were also hit in Russia .... CIA officer suffered crippling symptoms in Moscow. Was it 'Havana Syndrome'? (NBC) 

 More News On Report That Say Microwave Radiation Is The 'Most Plausible' Cause Of Diplomats' Ailments In Cuba And China 


Anonymous said...

Thanks Obama!

Anonymous said...

thanks Jefferson

Anonymous said...

Look at the time. The Cuban attacks were in the 2016.

"American officials in Cuba experienced an unexplained illness, which was later coined the "Havana Syndrome," beginning in late 2016. At least 26 Americans who worked at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba fell sick, experiencing several debilitating symptoms."

- USA Today

Barack Obama was president then.

"US, Cuba to announce opening of embassies on Wednesday. U.S.-Cuba deal to restore ties to be unveiled on Wednesday."

The Russian attack in late 2017, which as some wag will breathlessly point out was during Trump's term. Two items to consider.

1) If the US is going to let little old Cuba attack out diplomatic staff and get away with it, why the fuck shouldn't China and Russia do the same. After all they have nukes?

2) Between Mueller, continual Schiffy investigations, and impeachment, the Trump White House was Fort Apache the Bronx.

Anonymous said...

Now, doctors and scientists say such unconventional weapons may have caused the baffling symptoms and ailments that, starting in late 2016, hit more than three dozen American diplomats and family members in Cuba and China. The Cuban incidents resulted in a diplomatic rupture between Havana and Washington.

Anonymous said...

First off 4:52, you are a lazy. No quotes? No link?

Second off you are just utterly dumb. There really is no hope for you.

A rupture ... a rupture ... a rupture

Hell, if you are going to go that far why don't you slap their wrist, beat them with a wet noodle and pound them with your limp bizkit.

You seem very comfortable with the rupture response.

An appropriate response would have been to close the embassy, freeze assets, and sanctions.

If Cuban agents would have shot, bombed or beaten American embassy staff that is what would have happened. However, the indeterminate nature of the injuries and cause gives you an excuse to dissemble and grab your ankles.

The term rupture is not defined specifically for diplomatic use. Freeze assets and sanctions are defined and can be quantified. The usage of the word rupture is a weasel word eagerly swallowed by weasels, liars, and scum.

What d the workman comp claims of the foreign service officers look like. What percentage disability do they have?

HIPAA would get in the way of reporting, but a sincere, honest reporter could ask the victims for the information. It would help lay the facts bare of the Cuban transgression.

If an FSO was shot in head by a Cuban official, the State department would make a determination of percent disability assuming the FSO survived.

If the Cubans shoot the FSO with beams of any frequency, and the causes the same amount of disability, it does not make a difference to me. The percent damage is the same. That in the end is what matters. That and the intent.

They are both acts of war and deserve the same response.

Anonymous said...

The US should do the same to embassies of China and Russia!

Anonymous said...

That would be an act of war.

It may come to that.

First you try sanction and start heading to embargo as a trading bloc before you try acts of war. And really you should try acts of war; you declare them via Congress or parliament 1st.

In between embargo and war you try reducing your embassy down to one embassy , maybe work through a foreign country like Canada or have all diplomacy through the UN at Turtle Bay or the UN removed to some island spec in an ocean complete with airport and seaport, but little chances for shopping or industrial espionage.