Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Can The U.S. Navy Outbuild The Chinese Navy?

China Thursday afternoon kicks off naval parade to mark PLA Navy 60th anniversary. [Xinhua] 

Marcus Hellyer, Maritime-Executive: The U.S. Navy Can't Outbuild China 

The most often quoted line of the ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu is that “supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” 

By that measure, the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army have shown themselves to be excellent by winning a bloodless battle with the U.S. China’s anti-access/area-denial strategy has already broken the U.S.’s willingness to operate close to China’s coast in a conflict.

It won that first battle through asymmetric means when it couldn’t match the U.S. military in conventional might. 

WNU Editor: China continues to build ships and subs .... China Increases Production Of AIP Submarines With Massive New Shipyard (Naval News).


Anonymous said...

A better question is: Can the Democrats grow an economy?

Democrats can grow an industrial sector, while obeying the second law of thermodynamics.

This is not FDR's Democrat Party and FDR was a buffoon. FDR managed to have a recession (1937/1938) within a depression. How awesome is that?

Anonymous said...

Economists Agree: Democratic Presidents are Better at Making Us Rich. Eight Reasons Why. - Evonomics

Anonymous said...

Correlation is not causation.

There are leading and lagging indicators which complicates things for stupid innumerate and dishonest people such yourself (12:46).

Policies and laws have an effect on economic growth. Are you going to be the piss ant that we know you are and argue that only the Presidency but not Congress ahs anything to do with policy and laws?

Yeah, you will go there. You are 3 sheets to the wind stupid. You are a complete and utter moron.

I like how you (12:46) appeal to authority. You cannot make your own argument.

You do not know what the 2nd law of thermodynamics is, but you attempted a rebuttal anyway.

You did not acknowledge or refute that there was a recession in a Depression. Because you cannot.

The author of "The Forgotten Man" gives a reason for the US coming out of the Depression. It is this.

Jackass FDR was barely smart enough that he could not wage economic war in the US and war against the Axis at the same time. So he gave up the war against the American people. As a result the economy rebounded.

I would ask you to read" The Forgotten Man", bit we know you do not read too well. It is not a comic book and so the chances of you get past the 1st 10 pages are nil.

Recession of 1937–1938–1938

US Great Depression 1929–1941

"The timing of the Great Depression varied across the world; in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s"

FDR was awesome man. He stretch out the Depression in the USA until 1941!

FDR was one dumb fucker!

Anonymous said...

Stop building the latest and greatest, you only end up with blowing budgets and reduced numbers delivered.

You want quantity, stick with last generation and build in bulk. It will do for the time being...