Wednesday, November 10, 2021

At 28% Approval Will Vice President Harris Stil Be The Democrat Presidential Candidate In 2024?

France's President Emmanuel Macron greets Vice President Kamala Harris before a bilateral meeting at Elysee Palace in Paris France, November 10, 2021  

The Hill: At 28 percent approval, say goodbye to Kamala Harris being Plan B to an aging Biden 

She was supposed to be the one-term president's successor. The vice president who would take the torch from a by-then-80-something Joe Biden and carry on the administration's agenda while becoming the first woman and the first woman of color to capture the White House as the nation's 47th president.

But as things stand now, one has to wonder how Kamala Harris even remains on the ticket in 2024, regardless of who the nominee might be. A USA Today-Suffolk University poll finds that just 28 percent of voters — less than 3 in 10 — approve of the job Harris is doing. For context, that's 10 points below her boss (38 percent approve, 59 percent disapprove). For more context, Harris was at 46 percent approval and 40 percent disapproval upon entering office, per USA Today-Suffolk. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A lot can happen between now and 2024. I am still holding to my opinion that she will be replacing President Biden next year.

Update: The French are not impressed .... Kamala is mocked for putting on French accent during bizarre speech and talking to scientists 'as if they're toddlers' at COVID lab in Paris on tour to repair relations with Macron and rehabilitate her image (Daily Mail).


RussInSoCal said...

No. Kamala turned out to be the idiot everyone knew she was. The Dems will run Buttigieg.

/because he’s so wisened, grounded and relatable.

Jac said...

Biden, Kamala Harris, it's just the same bad luck for America.

Nico said...

God I hope you're wrong about her becoming the next US President. She tries to compare failed plans in politics with scientific experiments. sorry, but if your plan sucks then you gotta go! Her presidency would be an experiment. a failed one at that.

Unknown said...

A blind rabbit an a blind snake, bumped in to each other in the woods. The rabbit asked what are you I have been blind since birth and the snake said me too. Snake say I will feel on you and tell you what I think you are and you do the same. Snake say you are fluffy long ear large hind legs I think you are a rabbit. Your turn. Rabbit say you smell bad ate kind of slimy and have no balls I think you are Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

are you the rabbit?
Biden got us out of Afghanistan: balls that Trump does not have

Biden got an infrastructure bill: Balls Trump did not have.
Trump did not get the promised health care program: no balls
Wall that Mexico will pay for? no balls trump

Anonymous said...

You missed the big one! Trump behind the attempt to subvert the election! that took balls if not brains.

Anonymous said...

You mean Biden got another Porkulus bill. About 1.3% is traditional infrastructure. I appreciate all the charging stations for the rich liberals, who want to virtue signal they have an electric car.

At the dawn of the car age car used steam, diesel, batteries and gasoline. Gasoline won out for good reasons. I would not expect 1:37 to comprehend. It would have to take it top its accountant for an explanation.

I drove through 9 states in the last 30 days. I saw no need for a budget busting, inflation producing Porkulus bill. 1:37 needs to get out more.

Airports can charge user fees to airline passengers, who tend to be richer than the average American.

So why do we need a Porkulus Bill again?