Saturday, November 13, 2021

Europe Has Become COVID-19's Epicentre Again


Reuters: Europe becomes COVID-19's epicenter again, some countries look at fresh curbs 

LONDON/MILAN (Reuters) -Europe has become the epicentre of the pandemic again, prompting some governments to consider re-imposing unpopular lockdowns in the run-up to Christmas and stirring debate over whether vaccines alone are enough to tame COVID-19. 

Europe accounts for more than half of the average 7-day infections globally and about half of latest deaths, according to a Reuters tally, the highest levels since April last year when the virus was at its initial peak in Italy.

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Europe Has Become COVID-19's Epicenter Again  

Europe and Russia battle a new wave of COVID-19 -- NPR  

COVID-19’s epicentre again: Europe faces fresh reckoning -- Al Jazeera  

Europe back at epicentre of the pandemic -- Financial Times  

Not out of the woods: COVID cases rising in Western Europe -- AP 

Covid cases are surging in Europe. America is in denial about what lies in store for it -- Eric Topol, The Guardian


B.Poster said...

I remember when the US was the COVID epicenter. They raked us over the proverbial coals. They celebrated our struggles. They rejoiced at how we were hurting. While we endured some of the most brutal lockdowns the world has ever known in a futile attempt to contain the virus, the world rejoiced at our suffering.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There has been a spike in cases of virus xyz from one a month to two a month. All people are directed to their local corrals errrrrr community centers to get the nth booster...

together we can stop elderly from dying at average of 82 ...


Come on man. it is for a better future

Signed The Committee of Safety on this day 11/13/2021 Marhas Vinyard

Anonymous said...

You're sounding desperate Lapides!

Anonymous said...

7:58 has always been the dumbest of fucks.

Oops! Cal Berkeley did the unthinkable!

"A study at U.C. Davis, published October 4, directly contradicts Gandhi's statement. It found "wide variations in viral load within both vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, but not between them. There was no significant difference in viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated, or between asymptomatic and symptomatic groups."

Now we have the answer to why they have been testing only the unvaccinated."

It found "wide variations in viral load within both vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, but not between them.

The above sentence is one which 7:58 may never understand or if they do will lie through their teeth and smile at you while they lie.

7:58 is a liar or a fool.

Anonymous said...

I know the guy you are insulting and, you are very wrong. He is trying to get you to protect yourselves and your loved ones.
simply look at the data. Who and where are most cases that end in death taking place?
Your editor at this site got his shots; Even Poster claims he got his shots.

Anonymous said...

I know the guy you are insulting and, you are very wrong. He is trying to get you to protect yourselves and your loved ones.

Try to grow up. Try. Everyone but one member of my family have had a vaccine shot.

Last spring there was debate and argument about what the percent was for her immunity was. If the vaccine really was that good, people should not worry about COVID. But that is not the case, since the politicians and press spend many hours every day trying to scare the shit out of people and try to stampede them into the corral.

Fauci and the other morons no longer argue if herd immunity is 70%, 80% or 90%.

Take Mississippi. Trump won it by over 16%. If there is a high rate of COVID hospitalizations and deaths. So what! You have no fooking clue what it means. If someone is do a one factor analysis on a subject it usually means they are lying to someone. What does a high COVID rate in Mississippi mean? They are Trumnp voters dying? That they were not vaxed? Perhaps, if you take your head out of your ass, you might realize that Mississippi has a very high obesity rate. It also has a high diabetes rate. If you drill down by country, MSA, CSA or zip code, you might see it is Biden supporters who are vaxxed who are dying.

Perhaps president select joe is flying in some many illegals into red state to replace Democrat voters?

Maybe one day you will grow a rudimentary brain and realize that if a politician or journalist can describe metabolic pathways of what happen inside a cell when a covid virus invades, they cannot be certain they are telling you the truth. Scientists do not know all metabolic pathways but they know quite a few.

The guy I was insulting? He is a jerk and not a very bright jerk. He only opines about American political matters and stands guard against anyone speaking truth to power about the Democrats. That jerk used the appellation dumb fuck. Poor rube had the same term thrown right back into their face. So who insulted whom first?

Anonymous said...

If a newspaper or periodical is hawking articles with maps of Trump countries or states and COVDI instead of looking at obesity and diabetes, then that is a periodical or newspaper you should not read or pay for.

Do a linear regression and check out the R squared between obesity or diabetes versus COVID deaths.

If a journalist cannot interpret a multi-variable regression than run the fuck away from such a journalist and never read them again.

Anonymous said...

Interesting graphs

1980 marks a change. Lagging indicator? Just boomers getting older?