Thursday, November 11, 2021

How Not To Speak French In France

WNU Editor: I speak French. 

I have visited and stayed in France multiple times over the years, and I live in the french province of Quebec, Canada. 

You can take this to the bank. 

French people just cringe when we hear English people talking like that. 

The reaction in French social media has been predictable. 

Ridicule and contempt. 

This trip by the US Vice-President is becoming a PR disaster in Europe. 

It could have all been avoided if she just took a little time to rehearse and practice a few French phrases. 

And what is even more astounding is that she lived for a number of years in the French city of Montreal when she was young!


Anonymous said...

She has met the liberal party's criteria for a high up; female mixed race. Plus there are other factors; she can walk, she breaths without assistance, uhhhhh...well.

Anonymous said...

Democrat politicians have been code switching for decades. Hillary Clinton was famous for code switching in 2007. It is a ploy used by Democrat politicians to fake empathy to garner votes. After empathizing with voters during the run up to the election, you give them a shit sandwich afterwards.

"I don't feel no-ways tired" by Hillary Clinton 2007 in Selma

B.Poster said...

Either because of mental deficiency or ideology she is very, very stupid. I'm pretty sure we can rule out mental deficiency which would leave ideology as the only real possibility. Everyone knows it isn't proper etiquette to fake an accent. Such actions will be deemed insulting by the audience. Perhaps she is a masochist and enjoys humiliating herself. I'm pretty sure we can rule this out as well. Essentially as a member of the leadership class she behaves like the leadership class. Essentially they are very, very stupid.

Rightly or wrongly, wrongly in my considered opinion, America is considered by most of the world to be the most racist and intolerant country on earth. Furthermore, rightly or wrongly, wrongly in my considered opinion, vast numbers of Americans and likely a majority believe this about ourselves and desperately want to make amends. As such, the first female and African American Vice President should have a vast reservoir of goodwill in the United States and around the world. This woman can't even get this right!! She should have an approval rating easily in excess of 60%!!

Anonymous said...

what the fuck was that? Pardon my french.

Anonymous said...

It sometimes helps to be a longwinded, pompous ass of a foreign troll.

I like this gem that comes form the Russian trolls mouth.

"America is considered by most of the world to be the most racist and intolerant country on earth"

Evidence? A Pew Poll perhaps?

The important point was to get that tidbit out there to bludgeon blog readers with that lie/unproven assertion.

B.Poster said...

Lol!! What it was is someone trying to connect with am audience by showing she has something in common with them. The problem is French isn't her native tongue so to try and emulate the accent will not go over well and will be deemed insulting by many.

Since she lived in Montreal, she should be able to speak French. She probably would have done better had she spoke French. Even if her Ftench is less than perfect it still would've been better than trying to emulate an accent.

Better yet, simply speak English and be herself!! English is the international language so the people who need to understand will do so. I have some experience in public speaking. When you have an important message to convey and you're genuine is when you get the best results.

As an African-American woman who holds an important position within the US, there's a vast reservoir of goodwill she can tap into. At this time, she and her advisors don't seem able to do this.

B.Poster said...

The article says she tried to speak with a French accent. The post has nothing to do with Russia.

B.Poster said...

Whether we like this or not it is the perception. If you deal with people of influence in foreign countries and/or those who haven't spent much time in "red" states, you will understand what I'm talking about. If you read the post, you will understand I do NOT agree with the general foreign perception and believe we need to work to change this. The actions by Ms. Harris are only going to further reinforce the false narrative!!

You accuse me of being Russian. I'm not and have made this easy to prove multiple times on this site. You can confirm this by following basic evidence. You refuse to do this preferring instead to try and slander me. Perhaps you wish to make yourself feel better by lashing out at the messenger. I'm told anger is one of the stages of grief.

Among residents of other countries America is perceived on balance to be the most racist and intolerant country on earth. As stated, I do NOT agree. Now what can we and our leadership class doing to combat this? In my considered opinion the actions by Ms Harris are counterproductive and only further reinforce the false narrative that we are a racist country!!

The post had nothing to do with Russia yet you chose to bring Russia into it. I'm happy to discuss the post itself but such trolling as you've done here adds nothing of value.

B.Poster said...

"...rehearse and practice a few French phrases..." such things can be effective if it is genuine. A better approach probably would've been to simply speak English and simply be herself. As an African-American her French audience is alresdy preconditioned to support her. The level of incompetence or malevolence it took to mess this up is mind boggling.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris is the daughter of an Indian immigrant mother and a Jamaican immigrant father. Her father, as I understand it, has ancestors of both European and African origin.

Anonymous said...

The troll is Russian.

Anonymous said...

From idiotic narcissist Trump (who was the best devil the Americans knew) to this joke of a Presidency.

America is a joke at this stage.

Anonymous said...

Fucking ass troll immediately above doesn't know the definition of idiotic.

B.Poster said...

I've provided information on how to contact me which would prove I'm not Russian. On trying to convince people that I am, you lie or you're to lazy to do the proper due diligence. The editor's post has nothing to do with Russia meshing your actions here are by definition trolling.

Perhaps you would like to defend Ns. Harris's use of a fake French accent. At least you would be sticking with the topic at hand.

B.Poster said...

Very interesting. Many immigrants come here with a jaundiced view of America. I think Ms. Harris hasn't taken the time or made the effort to broaden her horizons.

Anonymous said...


Kamala Harris was born in the US to two foreigners here on visas to study at American universities.

If you are going to troll at least now WTF you are talking about.

B.Poster said...

I'm not sure if this is addressed to me. I reread my post at 2:33. Some clarification is probably needed.

I've listened to Ns. Harris speak. It is my perception and it was also the perception of those I was with that she is a condescending anti-white racist. While it is possible that we misunderstood, looking at these polling numbers it seems to me that others are reaching the same conclusion. As a "female of color," in leadership, people WANT to like her. She should have an approval rating of at least 60%. In my considered opinion, for her to achieve such low polling numbers represents breath taking incompetence on her part and that of her team. Furthermore, if you've dealt with immigrants and their children you will know that many, by no means all of course, come here with jaundiced views of America. Unless they expand their horizons these jaundiced views tend to get reinforced. I think this is what happened to Ms. Harris.

In the future, if you desire clarification on something, I would suggest the following. 1.) Reply directly to the post. 2.) Since some devices won't allow this, reference the person and the time at the top. For example, "Anonymous (11:33AM." 3.) If your device allows for a direct as in option 1, you may opt to do both 1 and 2. Referring to sincere commentators who are staying on topic and using curse words aren't helpful and add nothing of value.

I will reiterate what I think I made clear earlier. As a leader of our country, speaking to French people in a fake French accent undermines us, makes her look like a condescending person whose to dumb to even know she's dumb, and 0nly reinforces misconceptions that America is a racist country that has no concern for others.

You seem to be suggesting that being a daughter of immigrants makes it off limits to criticize her. Perhaps I misunderstand.

I know how I felt when someone not from America tried to address a group of us in a fake southern American accent and how insulting it was. I would suspect the French felt the same way.

Anonymous said...

I know how I felt when someone not from America tried to address a group of us in a fake southern American accent and how insulting it was.

Hillary addressed you at Selma in 2007?

Anonymous said...

This display should see a few more points taken off her popularity ratings.

B.Poster said...

I'm not aware of what HRC did in Selma in 2007. As I'm American, I don't think she'd have been addressing me. Generally a leader wouldn't go to foreign countries to address Americans.

Anonymous said...

Still the troll with the slow roll

Adam said...

Yes this!

B.Poster said...

If there's a problem with someone's analysis, it helps to point it out. This way it can be discussed and we can learn. Statements such as yours are distracting and contribute nothing of value. This is by definition trolling.