Sunday, November 14, 2021

Is The Biden Administration Indifferent To Iran's War Against The U.S. And Its Allies?

Sean Durns, Washington Examiner: The Iranian regime is the problem 

In less than a month, the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies have greatly accelerated their global terror campaign against the United States and its allies. 

Iran's attacks and plotting prove the regime’s imperial ambitions. U.S. policy, however, has yet to catch up. 

On Wednesday, Iranian-backed forces the Houthis stormed the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, the Houthis looted "large quantities of equipment and material." 

The raid, MEMRI noted, "comes after the Houthis kidnapped three Yemeni nationals affiliated with the U.S. Embassy from one of the employee’s private residences." 

Three weeks earlier, the Houthis had kidnapped 22 others who were tasked with the embassy’s security.  

Read more .....  

WNU Editor: Iran has a long history of using proxies against the U.S. and its allies, But with a new hard-line Iranian President now in power, they have greatly accelerated their campaign just in the past month. 

The Biden administration's approach has been to do nothing. 

My guess is that the Biden Administration are hoping for a breakthrough in nuclear negotiations with Iran later this month. 

I wish the US luck in these talks. 

But Iran's message of not compromising has been very consistent in the past few weeks, and absent any pressure from the US, I do not see them changing their stance in the future.


Jac said...

Biden, as Obama, want to sign "something" no matter what the cost is diplomatically, security, geostrategically and so on. These people just doesn't care about the country and the people, only their ego is counting.

Anonymous said...

Pussy Joe Biden is a coward and will accept any insults from Iran, China, N Korea, etc, and will doing nothing in return. Biden has plans--to destroy the democratic government of the USA from within--and nothing will deter him.

RussInSoCal said...

The Biden Clown Car accommodate Iran on virtually ANYTHING at this point so it can point desperately to said document and declare it a "win for President Biden". The Foreign Policy expert.

I have long given up wondering if "The Biden Administration" is aware or unaware or indifferent to any of its purposeful disasters.

The current WH occupants are utterly feckless, malign and incompetent. With a large dose of comfortable ignorance.

They represent a sizeable minority in this country (about 38-40%) who hate their own country. They hate the US as it was founded and they hate the US as it is.

And they all reside in large Blue cities, federal government, media and education.

Jac said...


I understand a lot what you feel. The way America is going the French one which is extremely destructive. I know it because I saw this trend in France (I'm French) going from 40 years ago...and that very frightening.