Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Israel To Hold COVID-19 ‘War Games’

Shaare Zedek hospital team members wearing safety gear as they work in the Coronavirus ward of Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem on September 23, 2021. (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)  

Jerusalem Post: Israel to hold COVID-19 ‘war games’ on Thursday  

A national exercise called the “Omega Exercise” will be held on Thursday to prepare the country for the next coronavirus outbreak. 

Israel will hold a national exercise on Thursday to evaluate how prepared the country is for the next COVID-19 outbreak, the Prime Minister’s Office said. 

The exercise, which the office said will be held in the format of a “war game,” has been named the “Omega Exercise.” 

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has regularly referred to the “Omega strain,” the next COVD-19 variant that has not yet been discovered.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Preparing for the next coronavirus outbreak!?!?!? The thought of another pandemic makes me shudder.


Anonymous said...

Vaccine wars more like it
Unsafe drug wars
Coercion wars
Tyranny wars

Anonymous said...

A Flight Surgeon's Testimony Will Make You Wonder

“So, we skipped two years of phase two trials and three years of phase three trials? We only lost 12 active-duty soldiers to COVID-19. Yet, we are going to risk the health of the entire fighting force on a vaccine we only have two months of safety data on?”

- Lt. Colonel Teresa Long, a Brigade Surgeon in the 1st Airborne Brigade of the U.S. Army

Note to people with worthless degrees. The flight surgeon has a DD-214 and a medical degree.

"Long reports reviewing information in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and being shocked at what she saw. She acknowledged VAERS does not prove causation, but the signal was overwhelming. After just a few months, more deaths were reported following the COVID-19 vaccine than all other vaccines combined during any single year in the previous ten."

Kamala Harris, Fauci and others disparaged the vaccine development when Trump was in office. Now they are all in?

The VAERS data is hard to work with. However, the medical records of service members are not. There is more documentation. The data is cleaner. Maybe service members are being used as guinea pigs?

Fauci criticized the skipping of phase 2 and 3 trials in 2020. Now, nary a peep from him. The man is an office politics guy. He is no longer much of a scientist. He was against a shortened vaccine development until he was for it. He wrote a mash note to Hillary. His HIV/AIDS work was abysmal and his predictions were off by a lot. If Fauci were not now a liberal icon and the Gay community did a deep dive into his work, they would be condemning him.

Daily Mail had a hit piece on a Los Angeles cop, who did not get the vaccine. He got COVID in his mid 40s and died. The scum in the press never give BMI data on victims. They give age sometimes. True BMI would be covered by HIPPA. But a person can roughly calculate BMI from a photograph. The cop look beefy, which is a colloquial and nice way of saying middling overweight to obese.

COIVD is a disease of the elderly, the immune compromised (cancer, autoimmune, etc.) and the obese.

Look at the original pictures from Italy of people, who were intubated. They all were all middle aged to old men wearing tires. Big Tire. FOOTHILLS!

Since when down shut down the economy and FUBSR the supply chain due to obesity?

Because some pol said so and wants to aggrandize power?

Anonymous said...

If he is he learned it from you.

B.Poster said...

Anon (8:53),

The link didn't work. Nevertheless the alleged comment by the alleged flight surgeon is spot on and is experiential common sense. Why are we forcing a rushed through and very dangerous vaccine on people to battle a disease that poses minimal risk for the overwhelming majority of people? At best, this is extremely reckless behavior on the part of the leadership class. To me it's looking more like there is another agenda at work here.

I will reiterate what I have stated before. This vaccine is probably right for some people. Each person should prayerfully consider their situation and act accordingly. It should not be forced on people.

Anonymous said...

The common cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract which can be caused by many different viruses. The most commonly implicated is a rhinovirus (30–80%), a type of picornavirus with 99 known serotypes. Other commonly implicated viruses include human coronaviruses (≈ 15%), influenza viruses (10–15%), adenoviruses (5%), human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), enteroviruses other than rhinoviruses, human parainfluenza viruses, and human metapneumovirus. Frequently more than one virus is present. In total, more than 200 viral types are associated with colds.

- rhinovirus (30–80%)
- coronaviruses (≈ 15%)
- influenza viruses (10–15%)
- adenoviruses (5%)
- respiratory syncytial virus
- enteroviruses other than rhinoviruses
- human parainfluenza viruses
- human metapneumovirus

To use a Bidenism, here is the deal. There are only so many permutations or combinations of the genetic material in a corona virus. The oldest human species is what homo habilis from 2.3 million years ago? Humans probably have caught every type of corona virus several times, if not thousands of times since then.

Genetic material of living things and virus always mutate. The rate may vary, but you can assume a basal rate. Divide the basal rate into how many years humans have been around. This will tell you how many times humans could have been exposed to various types of corona virus.

If a corona virus strain mutates too much, it is no longer a corona virus, but is another strain of virus, which may or may not be pathogenic.

I am at a loss here to understand the stupidity 10:21/10:31. Is it that, when some people get an advanced degree, they get so full of themselves they are mental?

Maybe 10:21 is a degreed stupid shit that has yet to make the connection between obesity and diabetes despite the fact that the government and any number of organizations will tell the shit that there is a strong link?

If blood chemistry changes in a diabetic, might blood chemistry of an obese person change how a person's immune system reacts to various viruses? His is a question a degreed stupid shit will never countenance. It is not canonical per his religion and let me tell you the degreed shit is ultra, hard core religious.

By taking a sample of blood doctors can tell how old a person is. So blood chemistry changes with age and it changes with different physical activity levels and BMI too.

I suppose, we are all (by wee I mean the readers of this blog) not suppose to believe our lying eyes and notice the correlation between obese people and COVID patients in ICUs. We are not suppose to see correlation on our own but to receive wisdom from approved authority figures instead.

I would tell degreed shit what I really though of him, but it will have to wait until I go to Starbucks or McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

Obesity and mortality of COVID-19. Meta-analysis

Conclusions: Patients with obesity are at high risk of mortality from COVID-19 infection.


Ssssshhhhhhhhh! Don't let the degreed idiot read the article on the website.

Anonymous said...

On top of blood chemistry changes we have cellular changes too.

"3.1.1. Obesity Increases ACE2 Expression Viral entry into target cells is facilitated by binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein to the membrane protein angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) ..."

4. Conclusions and Implications for Further Research

"Obesity cannot simply be defined as an excess of fat cells. Adipose tissue releases many active substances, such as adipokines and components of the RAS, all influencing the brain and metabolic- and immune system. Being obese increases the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and complications via several mechanisms."

"Adipose tissue releases many active substances, such as adipokines and components ..."

i.e. it changes blood chemsitry.

"Being obese increases the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and complications via several mechanisms"

Don't tell the Degreed Idiot. Idiot only wants to hear people say "Jawohl, mein Führer", when the Fuhrer tells people to take the experimental vaccine, socially distance, wear a mask, etc

Degreed Idiot is a fascist at heart.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh you've cut me to the quick with that one! Did you stay up all night practicing your delivery?

Unknown said...

Come on man governments don't lie.

Anonymous said...

Neither do trolls

Unknown said...

That was my attempt at sarcasm

Anonymous said...

Noted. My bad. Knee jerk reaction on my part. My foreign spouse absolutely defends their country. Extended family has learned this lesson real well. Spouse may criticize their country, but don't you ever do it.

B.Poster said...

I'm glad your spouse defends their country. I wish our leadership class would do this for America. Since they won't or don't, it's up to is up to us to do so.:-)

Understanding the perception will help us to combat it. As I've pointed out before, our leadership class and their legacy media surrogates haven't typically been very good at this kind of messaging which has allowed many false narratives to take root.

Anonymous said...


B.Poster said...

Part of the problem anonymous is I don't always know who I'm addresses. With that said I think it is you who needs to FO.

If there's an issue with my analysis or that of someone else, it can be discussed. Slander, bullying, and attempting to intimidate others silence have no place anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Bullying? You have a persecution complex?

Hardly bullying. As WNU has wrote, no one ever leaves WNU. It is like the Hotel California in that way.

Your track record as a pro-Putin troll goes back to 2015 or before. By inductive reasoning a person could conclude that you are a dedicated troll, who will not leave no matter what.

Continue your pity party, if you must.