Wednesday, November 10, 2021

President Biden Is Facing A Challenging Winter

Image AP  

Morgan Chalfant and Amie Parnes, The Hill: Winter challenges are coming for Biden White House 

President Biden is facing a challenging winter. Supply chain bottlenecks spurred by increased demand threaten to hold up Christmas gifts. 

Businesses are facing labor shortages, which are likely to lead to inconveniences for Americans traveling during the holiday season. 

Rising gas prices will add to those headaches, and now administration officials are warning that heating homes also will cost more this year. And as it gets colder, inside gatherings could lead to more coronavirus cases, which have started to flatline after weeks in which they have fallen.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Forget about waiting for winter. The challenges are happening now .... Wholesale prices rose 8.6% year over year in October, tied for highest ever (CNBC).


RussInSoCal said...

Actually Biden will have a very comfortable winter. He will be very well taken care of. Not a care or inconvenience within 7 miles.

It’s the millions of Americans who live in the northeast and upper Midwest who will have a challenging winter. One they will probably remember.

Because of Biden.

Anonymous said...

We are being yelled at weekly by a demented almost octogenarian, who was never very bright in his prime. On top of which said demented octogenarian is a front man for some smug people, who think they are all that, but are average intelligence.

Anonymous said...

a low IQ calling so many others dumb!
name names

Anonymous said...


The Frontman is Joe Biden. You know the guy who showered with his pre-teen daughter.

The Smug People are Ron Klain, Obama, Ned Price, Jake Sullivan and other troglodytes.

11:919 is the idiot, who spent 18 years in school and learned nothing.

Anonymous said...

11:01 not 11:919

Anonymous said...

"Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father"

What does Putin and Xi think when they sit across from Biden and know?

If it is not true, then why is the Federal Bureau of Inquisition looking for the diary?

Anonymous said...

"The diary had a lot of personal information, including how the author, allegedly Ashley Biden, had taken “probably not appropriate” showers with her dad as a child.

I recall a time when the FBI chased commies, rather than worked for them. How soon until Biden’s Stasi visits O’Keefe’s sources and donors?"

Dave Goldstein said...

If Biden shutsdown the pipeline in Mi I will guarantee he will not be elected again or ever for that matter

Anonymous said...

Biden can close the Michigan pipeline, if he teases that he will release a shower video, if he is re-elected. Leftists would come out in droves to vote.

Adam said...

Fortunately I don't think he is. Not positive though but I read a brief story this morning after waking up.

Anonymous said...

If after internal discussion at the White House, they decided not to move forward with this, why act like they might.

My answer is that they are threatening, cajoling and brow beating people to try to get them to comply. They are using the bully pulpit not to go after special interests but large numbers of citizens of many stripes.

After a federal court by a stay on Biden's COVID mandate for the 4th of January, the White House told the American people to get the shots anyway as if they know by hook or by crook they will get their way.

These threats are more than the trial balloons of a generation ago. They will come at you again and again and use every bureaucracy to turn the screws on other politicians or whole groups of people.

Anonymous said...

note: the FBI used to go after commies, left-wingers. Now the internal enemy is right-wing crazies. Stealing a diary is a legal offense. Period.

Anonymous said...

Let's be clear:
the guy raided is notorious for impersonating others and stealing stuff not owned by him. That is criminal and not subject to the first amendment.

The quote about the shower is from the site badmouthing the FBI and is NOT a quote from the diary.

innuendo is NOT an Italian suppository

Anonymous said...

"Stealing a diary is a legal offense. Period."

Stealing a book is a legal offense. It is for the local police. Besides the diary is worth less than 50 bucks. Many, many liberals or Democrat district attorneys have said they would not prosecute that.

You are on thin ground with the diary business. After all Democrats have used listening devices to tap phone calls (Florida), published private tax records, etc.

You are just mad because the Legacy Media would refuse to publish family drama of a Democrat politician, which might show him to be a terribly flawed person and thus lose an election. If the shoe was on the other foot, you would sing a different tune.

If a US citizen can get the info, then the Russian or Chinese can too,. We are always told that being heavily in debt or have illicit sex makes you blackmailable by foreign agents. well Joe Biden looks terribly black mailable, That makes it my business as a citizen and a voter.

Anonymous said...

"The quote about the shower is from the site badmouthing the FBI and is NOT a quote from the diary"

Wrong. Again! The both quotes have quotes from the diary and at least one of the quoted articles speaks of the terrible shape the FBI is in.

Anonymous said...

According to The Hill article:

1) Project Veritas was given a copy of the diary by a 3rd party.

2) So they did not steal anything.

3) Project Veritas did not publish the contents, because they could not verify them. but it has been noted that, since the FBI is acting as the goon squad for the Bite Me Regime, the contents now are verified. Why go after Project Veritas for fake information, which they never published.

4) PProject Veritas attempted to give the copy back to a Biden lawyer and were refused. they then gave it to law enforcement over a year ago. so why come after them now.

a) They did not steal it.
b) They did not publish it
c) They gave it back.

Where is the crime?

As Jonathan Turley points out, where is the national security or other interest that gives the FBI jurisdiction?

Jonathan Turley is better educated and wise than the 18 year educational reject, who libsplains here all the time.