Friday, November 12, 2021

Top US Marine General Says Marine Corps Will Reinvent Itself 'To Reflect America'

Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger delivers remarks at a press briefing about the Marine Corps and COVID-19, at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., March 26, 2020. (U.S. Marine Corps/Lisa Ferdinando)  

NPR: The Marine Corps is reinventing itself to reflect America, says top general 

The Marine Corps, the smallest U.S. military force, has plans for a big overhaul designed to address its lack of diversity and problem with retaining troops. 

The goal that's driving what amounts to a cultural shift within the service, is for the Marines "to reflect America, to reflect the society we come from," Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps, said in an interview with NPR's Morning Edition. 

It's not a matter of being politically correct or "woke," he said. The core of America's strength lies in its diversity, Berger said, adding that the same is true for the military.  

Read more .... 

Update: Marine Corps will reinvent itself 'to reflect America,' top general says (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: It looks like racial and gender quotas are in the pipeline for the US Marine Corps.


Anonymous said...

I am not seeing a problem except with the weal, woke generals.

B.Poster said...

"Racial and gender quotas" will undoubtedly reduce the fighting effectiveness of the USMC. The leadership class believes America is a racist country therefore they are making fighting against the major priority at the expense of being ready to fight off an invader or to defend an "ally."

Frankly with our current policies I project a 99.99% probability of war with China, Russia, Russia and China, or most likely Russia, China, and some combination of their allies within the next six months. In such a war, the best case scenario is "victory" combined with 10s of millions of dead Americans. Even if America loses the "race war," worst case scenario is a few thousand dead and perhaps a trillion in property damages.

As such, I would REALLY, REALLY appreciate it if our leadership would focus on Russia and China specifically on how we defeat them while minimizing American casualties and worry about fighting this race war later!!

I hope my six months prediction is wrong. I predicted in September 2017 we'd be at war with North Korea and their allies within six months. Fortunately I was wrong. At that time we had president Trump who North Korean leadership as well as the leadership of their Russian and Chinese allies respected and feared allowing us to defuse the situation. Trump isn't coming back and I don't see anyone in US leadership who can duplicate his unique skills.

While the war probably cannot be prevented at this point, we can improve our chances of victory and minimize our casualties. On order to do this, our leadership class needs to stand down on the race war for now and focus on the more serious problem.

Anonymous said...

So, this is the shit spittle driving the woke agenda in the Corps? Wondering who he's taking orders from. If you're a grunt in the US military, it's a good time to get out. If you only have a few years left till retirement, go for it. But if you have yet to re-up, would strongly suggest you look for another employer after your tour is over. These assholes have always loved fixing things that aren't broken, or making simple things incomprehensively complicated. Gives them a hard on. What's new, however, is that now they won't be satisfied until you've pledged allegience to their perverted worldview.

B.Poster said...

You're profile says you're from Ontario, Canada. Perhaps the outer edges of your country may feel some effects. I think you can relax. Your government isn't likely to "rock the boat." If you're on the outer edges toward the US, you should be able to relocate without to much trouble before it happens.

I recall when I pointed out the problem in 2017, you're response was similar. You laughed!! I'm sure you're not a bad person but I must say your disregard for our (American) lives is appalling.

Perhaps you misunderstand. It was it is. There's nothing casual about it. To be candid, as a Canadian you don't face the threats and challenges the average American faces. As such, you simply can't grasp it.

Perhaps we avoid this one the way we did in 2017. I pray so!!

B.Poster said...

I meant "it is what it is." I was rather emotional. The lives of my loved ones are in grave danger and a Canadian enjoying the easy life of Canada laughs at us!! Understandably such callousness makes me EXTREMELY ANGRY!!

B.Poster said...

Nailed it!!

Anonymous said...

One �� power is evil but it will b done

Stephen Davenport said...

Better learn to speak Chinese because these boobs are going to get us killed or enslaved.