Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

They are modeling force and force escape vectors of your population; and they control much of both vectors.

They have captured (and/or directional seeded) organisations and institutions from BLM, Inc. to the FDA and NIH.
They control much of the media.
They are purging the police and military under the disguise of cultural war so you think it's just the 60s or "racism" or "equity".
They have put mentally sick people in charge (incl. transvestites) of your healthcare WHILE they build camps.

I am not against gender-transitioning people, but we must acknowledge that the trans community suffers from crippling mental diseases that lead to not only a 10-20 fold increase in suicides and self-harm among them, BUT they are also suffering from psychotic and sadistic tendencies against the other especially, i.e. you and your family.

Genocide is not conducted by people with guns who are wearing black uniform.
Genocide is set up systematically by governments - historically from China's Mao and Xi to Germany's Hitler or Russia's Stalin.

The machinery of genocides is largely laws being passed, camps being built "to safeguard" one group of people, excuses found and people being put in place who have the right "attitude" (or psychotic tendencies)

What they did (not exhaustive):

- in 2019/2020 they scared the population into submission through lockdowns; China played its role in it, any scientist who saw what they did on televsion was just show; you cannot get rid of a virus by using spray cannons or disinfecting the street. It was show. You believed it because you never worked in a lab and don't know how viruses propagate either. What they achieved is this: FEAR (and they created more death and disease THROUGH the lockdowns)

- then they used the PCR test against the clearly expressed will of its inventor, Dr. Mullis, who not only spoke out against Fauci but explicitly WARNED the World not to use his test this way otherwise you would "see disease everywhere where there is none" and only get one thing: -- FALSE POSITIVES(!) -- that's why people who saw what it was called it a Scamdemic or Casedemic early on, including myself, as I not only knew this but worked with that very test many times. It is standard in any lab and a very cruede test.

- once you accepted to take "vaccines" based on these lies and accepted the surrounding censorship, all bets were off.. they did a lot of harm already and it will increase incrementally (that's one of the force vectors)

- they pre-seeded other lies prior to accept the coming "changes".. and they went for typical society destablisation lies and changes, from gender to race they've done it all.

- and so on.. many of you know this and are fully awake. Good, but you have to now stand up and support others who fight this.

They want to remain in power, and they are willing to kill a lot of people over it, BUT if you go along with this any further, they will come after you eventually. Always have historically and this bunch made it very clear they don't want many people around in a few years. If you have children, if you want them to live in a healthy, happy and free society, you cannot wait any longer. Not even a day.

Look, if it feels like an Alien or hostile takover it doesn't matter if the people still wear suits. And they will use carrots and sticks to guide you towards the escape vectors and accept death and slavery and tyranny.

Know this:

They will be trialed fairly, and many, many of them will be found guilty of the highest crimes against humanity for which the justified and stated punishment includes death by hanging (this is what the Nuremberg trials were about, we have done it many times before and if it is required, and many think already now it is, we will do it again, and prevail against this assault on humanity and Western civilization)

All that's left for you to do is pick a side: Good or evil.

Either way, good luck.
We all will need it.

Anonymous said...

Those who are good are easily recognizable:

The good call for transparency
The good call for an end to censorship of scientists and making them independent again of corporate grants
The good call for an end to segragation and building of camps under so many excuses
The good call for a peaceful end to this, where we will trial - based on evidence and witness testimonies - those who acted against all of us
The good want you to see what's going on and want to empower you

The bad are easily recognizable as well

The bad call for more censorship
The bad financially crippled those and slandered those who came after them
The bad are those who creating segregated socities and are building camps under so many excuses
The bad are the ones who tell you not to discuss the election or you will be called and persecuted terrorist, YET THEY not only questioned but now on record sabotaged the Russia collusion, many of the race crimes to pit us against another and so on
The bad are the ones who want you to give up bodily autonomy
The bad are the ones who want to usher in the great reset by destroying society and then offering you - while in desperation - their SOLUTION
The bad are the ones who created the problem humanity is facing
The bad ones want to end humanity as we know it and will not accept any of your votes about this either
The bad ones are modelling your force and force escape vectors and own and have captured so many institutions that they literally now program, later change you into other beings?

Don't believe me?
They are talking about it openly.
They are openly saying the next economy will change humanity, and they talk about it as a trillions and trillions worth market..that's the carrot.. you have been bred into a system that rewards the chase of materialism and as they control much of the wealth (think of the World as a Monopoly board) they can keep you chasing that paper or bitcoin in perpetuity while not realizing what's actually going on;

Think Communism or Corrupt Capitalism are enslaving humanity a bit?
Well get prepared for what's next.

They are setting the precedent of an end to your bodily rights for a reason.
They are giving up patent rights to human code for a reason.

They are literally devouring and changing humanity under the cover and system of capitalism into something new.
And the point I am trying to make is this: They will not seek your input how much of the heart, brain or eyes will be replaced. Or if you can no longer leave your house due to climate lockdown or viral lockdown or social credit lockdown.

These are inhumane humane rights violating tyrants.
We will peacefully rsist, support the brave who speak up and then legally collect the evidence and trial these "people".

Anonymous said...

Look at the ads they finance... they are indoctrinating kids to become aggressive and violent towards opponents of their climate change narrative, and the climate change lockdowns and the carbon credits;

And understand this: All of them are tied to the social credit system and if you don't clap enough you won't get an organ transplant either, because it will require carbon credits AS EVERYTHING on this planet is connected to carbon.

Many minds are easy to manipulate, we all know this and it has been shown over and over in controlled experiments that people even kill and torture innocent humans if someone with authority (e.g. a person in a suit or labcoat) tells them to do, even if nothing but torture is the outcome.

>> But you should know better and must stand up. Not just because they are coming after you next, but because it's the right thing to do.

And this time they will use protected classes to declare the dictates. Why? Because you have been conditioned to accept the concept of protected classes, women, blacks, transgenders.. Those are key primers for many to accept any narrative.

And they literally program the next generation - while we watch it happen and saw the prior lies - to accept their new control narrative unquestioning, to beat people who oppose them and their lockdowns or "changes" to society.

They think we forgot how they used Leonard Nemoy (the scientist actor on Star Trek who was picked because he acted/represented the cool, unquestionable, unrivaling logic and intelligence in the series as a Vulcan) to sell us global cooling and all their solutions and control mechansims over us.

They are literally doing this and think they get away with it, because we let them get away with with so much prior until many of us could no longer decipher between truth and reality. Well, not this time.

We will see A LOT of people hung as absurd as it sounds now. But we will do it legally as said above.

I understand many of you are still in shock, and some might even unkowingly experience stockholm syndrome -- after all none of us were expecting this or were prepared for such evil, such bold attack. Others however were and have warned us about the signs for many years.

You must look beyond money, titles, clothes and thrones.

>>> If their actions are not human and stand against everything you love (freedom, peace, dignity, soveirgnty), then it doesn't matter if they are figuratively or literally demonic ghouls or just compromised traitors or dangerously wrong.

The outcome is the same: They are literally enslaving humanity, literally pitting us against another, literally lying, literally building camps, literally holding information on alternative treatments (ivermectin), literally outlawing YOUR use of such drugs while taking it themelsves (see 200+ members of Congress who then took Ivermectin secretly), literally overseeing the killing of many many people without consequences so far:

They are not only guilty of crimes, they are guilty of highest(!) crimes against humanity; killing millions already. But you cannot open your eyes because it's like a shock to see.

And I do not accuse any single person here.
We all were mislead.
Many doctors are still scared to speak out, because that's how such a system works.
Once you give in to it, it becomes hareder and harder to resist and break free of it, as so much guilt is involved. Even if you were tricked into it, you still feel bad for witholding ivermectin because the media told you too, or to subscribe an experimental drug, because the politicians, corporations told you so.

You are not the guilty. You are released of any guilt.
THEY, who misled all of us, however, are the guilty.

Anonymous said...

they they they they they they