Tuesday, November 16, 2021

U.S. And U.K. Considering Mandating A Third Covid Vaccine Shot


The Guardian: No 10 plans booster jab requirement for people to obtain Covid pass  

Currently, only two shots are needed for someone to qualify as having fully vaccinated status. 

Ministers are set to require three vaccinations from those eligible for booster jabs in order to qualify as being fully vaccinated in areas where people must prove their status, such as travel or avoiding mandatory isolation. 

Downing Street sources said the intention was to end up in a place where three jabs, rather than two, was the requirement to obtain a Covid pass showing full vaccination – though currently only over-40s are eligible for the booster. 

If the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) continues to recommend boosters for all adults six months after their second jab, then the requirement could be in place in England by the early spring.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: for the U.S. .... Biden administration plans imminent booster expansion to all adults (Axios). More here .... Fauci says boosters for all key to U.S. reaching COVID-19 endemic level (Reuters).  

Update: This is why they are going to mandate a third shot .... No matter how old you are, two shots of Pfizer vaccine don’t last – study (Jerusalem Post).

Update #2: They are now talking about a fourth shot!!!! (see video below). 


Anonymous said...

They can mandate you get a shot every year, every 6 months, every 3 months. No law was passed by Congress, which the president has to dutifully admini9ster per letter of the law. No, a halfway feeble old man is being directed by some god awful prosopography network.

Jason said...

I’ve got to agree this is getting nonsensical now. I jumped on the bandwagon early and got the two shot cocktail with the understanding I was doing my part to end this. Though I am still required to carry and use the mask, screen myself which is now up to $150 a test talk about inflation, and social distance. Now they are talking about weekly or monthly shots with nothing new in them. When they sell the influenza vaccine they at least claim it fights new hybrid strains. Some woman on television telling me I can now choose any booster shot. when I got my shots they were very specific I had to get a matching dose administered at a certain time, now all research is dead. I find it hard to find the line between science and science fiction these days.

Anonymous said...

Look at the ads they finance... they are indoctrinating kids to become aggressive and violent towards opponents of their climate change narrative, and the climate change lockdowns and the carbon credits;

And understand this: All of them are tied to the social credit system and if you don't clap enough you won't get an organ transplant either, because it will require carbon credits AS EVERYTHING on this planet is connected to carbon.

Many minds are easy to manipulate, we all know this and it has been shown over and over in controlled experiments that people even kill and torture innocent humans if someone with authority (e.g. a person in a suit or labcoat) tells them to do, even if nothing but torture is the outcome.

>> But you should know better and must stand up. Not just because they are coming after you next, but because it's the right thing to do.

And this time they will use protected classes to declare the dictates. Why? Because you have been conditioned to accept the concept of protected classes, women, blacks, transgenders.. Those are key primers for many to accept any narrative.

And they literally program the next generation - while we watch it happen and saw the prior lies - to accept their new control narrative unquestioning, to beat people who oppose them and their lockdowns or "changes" to society.

They think we forgot how they used Leonard Nemoy (the scientist actor on Star Trek who was picked because he acted/represented the cool, unquestionable, unrivaling logic and intelligence in the series as a Vulcan) to sell us global cooling and all their solutions and control mechansims over us.

They are literally doing this and think they get away with it, because we let them get away with with so much prior until many of us could no longer decipher between truth and reality. Well, not this time.

We will see A LOT of people hung as absurd as it sounds now. But we will do it legally as said above.

I understand many of you are still in shock, and some might even unkowingly experience stockholm syndrome -- after all none of us were expecting this or were prepared for such evil, such bold attack. Others however were and have warned us about the signs for many years.

You must look beyond money, titles, clothes and thrones.

>>> If their actions are not human and stand against everything you love (freedom, peace, dignity, soveirgnty), then it doesn't matter if they are figuratively or literally demonic ghouls or just compromised traitors or dangerously wrong.

The outcome is the same: They are literally enslaving humanity, literally pitting us against another, literally lying, literally building camps, literally holding information on alternative treatments (ivermectin), literally outlawing YOUR use of such drugs while taking it themelsves (see 200+ members of Congress who then took Ivermectin secretly), literally overseeing the killing of many many people without consequences so far:

They are not only guilty of crimes, they are guilty of highest(!) crimes against humanity; killing millions already. But you cannot open your eyes because it's like a shock to see.

And I do not accuse any single person here.
We all were mislead.
Many doctors are still scared to speak out, because that's how such a system works.
Once you give in to it, it becomes hareder and harder to resist and break free of it, as so much guilt is involved. Even if you were tricked into it, you still feel bad for witholding ivermectin because the media told you too, or to subscribe an experimental drug, because the politicians, corporations told you so.

You are not the guilty. You are released of any guilt.
THEY, who misled all of us, however, are the guilty.

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson and other Fox hosts are holding an event that requires vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test

Anonymous said...

Alert. Spotted at 7:32 AM.

7:37 is a very unprincipled debater. If the corporation Fox News is putting it together, the talk hosts may have very little leverage. 90% of the people cannot tell a company "To take this job and shove it." Lawsuits are iffy too.

Sometimes people have to go through years of Hell before the Truth comes out. Taje the Russia Hoax for example. People must endure years of witch hunts like the Robert Mueller investigation. Before the Durham investigation clears things up.

People must endure stupid idiots spamming the fake Steele report based on a person, who has now been arrested.

Authorities arrest Steele dossier contributor Igor Danchenko

People must endure idiots, who will not debate the VAERS numbers. People must put up with people whose knowledge of biology barely goes beyond naming most organs in the body. They would be able to spam a artists drawing of a virus attaching to cell, but cannot tell you about metabolic pathways inside the cell. So you cannot discuss the utility of drugs with them.

You wonder if they flunked second grade, because they do not know their number line or the concept of orders of magnitude.

You wonder if they are a troll or just stupid shit.

Pro Tip: Most talk shows host take the libertarian route. They encourage people to get the vaccine, but do not advocate forcing them.

They also think that people who have had COVID do not need the vaccine. Are we counting antibodies and resistance to the disease or compliance to BIG Brother? What is the point? I think the point is nit safety or public health, but compliance. As dishonest as some debaters are, it has to be about partisanship and compliance.

Not much is to be expected of 7:37 except drek.

Anonymous said...

Pfizer Hid from Public the Number of Deaths in COVID Clinical Trials — Actual Number Was 21 Which Was 6 More than was Reported and 4 More than Unvaccinated Group

Cannot talk drug trials or honesty with 7:37. 7:37 can barely count and certainly is not honest.

Anonymous said...

Pfizer Lied – People Died