Saturday, November 13, 2021

U.S. Intelligence Is Frustrated That They Do Not Have Spies In China's Xi Jinging's Inner Circle Report: US Frustrated It Doesn’t Have Spies Close to China’s Xi Jinping 

The CIA recently opened a new spy center to focus exclusively on China 

According to a report from Bloomberg, the US is frustrated it doesn’t have spies within the inner circle of Chinese President Xi Jinping, making it harder for the US to know what China plans to do next. 

The report cited anonymous US officials and John Bolton, the ultra-hawk who served as President Trump’s national security advisor. It said the US lacks “top-tier” intelligence on China due to Beijing’s success in breaking up CIA spy rings in recent years and due to a lack of Chinese speakers employed by US intelligence agencies. 

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WNU Editor: If US intelligence had someone had someone deep inside they would not be announcing it. Instead, they would be making announcements like the one above.

As to what does my gut tell me. They may not have someone inside Xi's immediate circle (which I understand is very small), but my gut tells me they have multiple inside sources among those who are close to Xi.


Anonymous said...

Kill the earth and self destruction of all living beings open your closed heart people of the earth

Anonymous said...

Mostly lies there ways into fake power

Anonymous said...

With help from the Devil they know inside of their hearts see