Sunday, November 21, 2021

US Navy Sailors Are Being Forced To Take Out Loans After Months-Long Delays In Pay

Yeoman 3rd Class Richard Reddick, assigned to Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa administrative department, uses the Transaction Online Processing System. (Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class David R. Krigbaum/U.S. Navy photo)  

Daily Mail: US Navy sailors are being forced to take out LOANS after MONTHS-LONG delays in pay after military began closing down and consolidating processing centers, source claims 

* Some sailors' paychecks have been stuck in bureaucratic limbo, delaying their income and forcing them to take out loans, a report says 

* The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society says it's seen an increase in loan applications, though an exact figure was not available 

* One sailor went three months without pay and ran out of his personal savings 

* A source said the problems began when the Navy began consolidating its resource centers, resulting in less staff 

* Some members of the public were outraged to learn of sailors' pay troubles 

Some US Navy sailors say they're being forced to take out loans after months-long delays in receiving their pay as they struggle to keep up with living expenses. 

The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, which lends money to Navy members and their families, said it's seen an increase in loan applications in recent months. 

One source told told that the troubles began when officials began consolidating personnel and customer support detachments four years ago, leading to staff shortages.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Navy Pay Delays Have Forced Some Sailors to Take Out Loans (  

Update #2: Navy sailors forced to take out loans after being shorted on pay (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: Unbelievable!


Anonymous said...

Navy is cutting or trying to cut 280 million dollars out of the budge. They are getting rid of base libraries and other measures. That story was about a week ago.

So the military has more needs than budget. Meanwhile Dingbat Nancy Pelosi is spending money by the TRILLIONS, when the Navy desperately trying to cut less than a BILLION.

According to AOC, Pelosi and other asses spending money automatically generates more money. So it begs the questions. IF spending money automatically generates more money, why not se that principle with military finding?

Same principle should work. The military spends more money, That money goes to contractors. Contractors spend money buying goods and services from other contractors or for their households. So why not spend money on the military?

Pelosi, Schumer and others are mismanaging the US budget on a massive scale. Toady general and admirals are too timid to speak up.


Jac said...


You are right and I can add: in these times of threat from "military pears" we have to spend more for our defense.

Anonymous said...

Trump's Estate Tax Giveaway To Rich Triggered 50% Drop In The IRS Revenue Report

Anonymous said...

Look on the bright side. The navy may be unable to pay it's sailors. But at least there are NO DELAYS in the USA informing white sailors they all are racists who have benefitted from white privilege throughout their lifetimes.