Wednesday, November 24, 2021

WHO Warns 'The Pandemic Could Be With Us For Many Years'

Euronews: COVID-19: 'The pandemic could be with us for many years,' WHO warns 

As anger spreads across Europe over the re-imposed coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns, the World Health Organization warned that the virus could be with us for many years. 

"The COVID-19 pandemic looks set to go on for quite a long time, months, perhaps years, simply because it's a highly transmissible virus, meaning people can easily and quickly get infected," said Dr David Nabarro, the WHO Director-General's Special Envoy on COVID-19. 

Several European countries are currently battling a fresh surge of infections with record daily case numbers. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Historically speaking pandemics last 2 to 3 years. But this pandemic definitely shows no signs of ending.


Anonymous said...

The pandemic is political. The people dying are mostly older people, who would die of influenza, corona or RSV.

I had a negative COVID test in October. They also tested for influenza and RSV. RSV is not on most people's radar. They would be like RS... what?

More kids will die of vaccine reactions than COVID, but the NAZIs will make them take the shots. Before NAZIs went full Gestapo, the did a lot of nudging. More than a few Democrat functionaries have suggested nudging. They suggest people bear the cost of testing or get fined until they are financially ruined. So there is not a lot of choice, when a group of people in the country start nudging.

Anonymous said...

Primitive Nudging

Anonymous said...

Picture of promitive Nudging Tech

Nowadays, we have aparatchicks like Lois Lerner and other fanatics making up administrative rules to enslave people.

Anonymous said...

how did nazis rise to power?
because people couldn't be bothered, and some didn't believe it.

how come those covid camps are being set to be filled with people based on a test we all know produces false positives?
because people couldn't be bothered, and some didn't believe it.

how come all these race wars are instigated by the leftist media, while fighting age men are brought through porous borders and mass migration following wars no one in these countries wanted?
because people couldn't be bothered, and some didn't believe it.

You can keep your eyes shut to the Great Reset.
You can keep pretenting it's not happening.
You can even try to outlast it, just a bit longer.

BUT.. eventually, they will come to your property, take your hourse, kill your boys, rape the girls and your wife and then kill you.

Your enemies are those that weaken your borders and import fighting age men into your country.
Your enemies are those who weaken your constitution, laws and norms
Your enemy are those who pit you against another, while forcing vaccines on you.

Your enemy is my enemy and we outnumber them 10,000:1, BUT because you are asleep, they are still advancing.

Wake up, maybe? Smell the coffee.. then organize, peacefully, march, protest, occupy, sue them into oblivion, remove them from offices, hold them accountable, imprison the guilty and deal with the traitors accordingly. By law.

Anonymous said...

now take a minute or so to get back on your meds