Saturday, December 25, 2021

Are Russian Wagner Mercenaries In Mali?


RFE: Mali Denies Deployment Of Russian Mercenaries After Condemnation By EU Countries 

Mali's government has denied any deployment of Russian mercenaries from the Vagner group following charges earlier this week by more than a dozen European countries as well as Canada. 

Bamako "gives a formal denial to these baseless allegations" of "an alleged deployment of elements from a private security company in Mali," the government said in a statement on December 24. 

Over a dozen Western countries on December 23 strongly condemned the deployment in Mali of Russian mercenaries working for the Vagner group, accusing Moscow of providing material backing for the fighters.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Mali denies deployment of Russian mercenaries from Wagner Group (France 24)  

Update #2: Mali denies using Russia's Wagner mercenaries (DW)  

WNU Editor: European governments are blunt in their message .... Arrival of Russian Wagner mercenaries in Mali condemned by European governments (CNN). More here .... 16 countries condemn deployment of Russian mercenaries in Mali (UPI).  

Update #3: This is the explanation from the Mali government .... Mali denies deployment of Russian mercenaries, says only 'trainers' present (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

Jihadis are still around. France seems spent or otherwise ineffective. France's Macron is crying uncle.

Boko Haram seems to be fading due to no help from Obama. He still ah the bring back our girls hashtags prominently displayed in his museum. Some girls came back, but thru no help from Obama.

The Jihadis do not seem to be as bad as they were from 2014 to 2018, but they are still out there.

Al Qaeda in the Maghreb has a large component from the GIA. Most people outside some journalists or the military do not know who that is or how long they have been around.

So why not Wagner. The West does not like to spend on the military when they can spend money buying votes with welfare.

Anonymous said...

You should go Poster as you are Russian and someone has to keep the books.

B.Poster said...

I'm not Russian. I've supplied proof of this elsewhere on this website numerous times. Part of the problem with "anonymous" posters is its hard to tell who I'm actually addressing.

If you would like for me to provide information again as to my identity and how you can contact me I'm happy to do so. Obviously I'm not Russian. If you do not wish to follow the evidence as to my true identity, please stop trolling and wasting time.

As you me going to Mali, my dream when I was young was to serve in my country (America's) military as a Marine but my eyesight is poor so this couldn't happen. Military service wouldn't be a viable option and I would only undertake any kind of foreign service to represent America and not a foreign county such as Russia.

Perhaps you think we shouldn't be fighting Islamic terrorists and for this reason you oppose the deployment of Russian personnel. Making such an argument might actually be productive. Falsely accusing me of being Russian isn't productive.

Anonymous said...

So, what purpose of Putin’s would encourage him to use Wagner in Mail? Who’s paying the cost: mercenaries don’t come cheap and Mali’s about as dirt (sand) poor as they come.

Anonymous said...

Seriously why ask?

Most of the American establishment is not willing to do anything.

"was a simple statement of the fact that when you take out a regime and you bring down a government, you become the government. - "Colin Fucking Powell"

Obama broke Libya. It may have been a near run thing, but Qadaffi's armor looks like it might have tipped the scales and enabled his government to survive. The civil war in Libya was not fought with sea power or airpower so much until the US got involved with its militaries. It was totally asymmetric after that. Obama wiped out Qadaffi's best assets and then did not follow up on the ground. He called that smart power.

So Obama did not choose one side to win. He chose one side to lose. Civil war is still going on. The US, NATO, Turkey, Russia (Wagner) have all been or are all involved.

I mean WHAT THE FUCK MAN! Libya is right next door to Mali and do we get get a daily does or consistent coverage of the Russian involvement in the Libran civil war? HELL NO! With many newsworthy items you do not get consistent anything with the press, wars or military developments being one of them. It is why people come here.

Why Mali? Why Libya? Well, Libya has oil. Libya has oil and Russia does not give a fuck. Russia has plenty of oil. However Libya has oil and so can pay its bills and so will not make Russia broke. Is that important? Watch Deutschland 1986. Soviet subsidies to the Eat German government were reduced or stopped. Timing is important. Oil prices had been declining since 1980. Would the Soviets reduced or cut subsidies to the Warsaw Bloc prior to the oil price plunge of 1986?

The important thing is that Libya unlike Venezuela can pay its bills. So what do the Russians want. Access to sea ports for one. Seaports in Libya give the Russians the ability to reach the ports and airfields of NATO allies Spain, Sicily, Italy and Greece.

Also the Russian would have access to Libyan airfields.

It is like when you own of have anything. It becomes a worry. People could strike from the south into Libya threatening the ports and airfields. So at the very least Mali would be a buffer zone for important assets in Libya. During WW2 the Germans went south of Libya. Not much came of it, because they could not exert enough force. They sent a few small groups. However small groups were sent out by the British to the Arabian Peninsula in WW1. You may have heard of it. The Germans also sent small groups to Iran and Afghanistan during WW1. Those groups on Iran tied up large armies. The Russians would remembers. A few Brits might. The Americans ...

So Mali could be simple buffer. But having having countries well disposed to you or client states in the UN is important and especially so, if they get one of the 10 nonpermanent seats in the security council.

Before you ask why /Russia is in Mali, you should ask why the newspapers and American government does not make an issue of the Russians in Libya.

The Russians and Turks are on opposite sides of the Libyan Civil War. I expect the Russians to outlast the Turks. Do people have enough data to wager a bet? Probably not as dwelling ion Libya is inconvenient. Obama broke it.

Poster, it would be nice if your Russian troll self did not comment on this blogpost.

B.Poster said...

Simply ignore me if it bothers you. It would also be very helpful if you did not falsely accuse me of being Russian. I've provided much information as to my true identity. Yet you can't or won't follow the evidence.

I actually found your above post very informative. Insulting me isn't necessary. If there's a problem with any of my analysis, I'd like to know specifics. Slander doesn't help.

B.Poster said...

Whose paying the cost? That's a good question. According to the Mali and Russian governments Wagner isn't there. Only trainers are. I suppose there isn't enough information to 'know." As you how they would be paid, the latent figures on US foreign aid to Mali has them receiving 146 millions from US. This could be used to pay for a number of things.

Anonymous said...

You're a good boy. If you can't persuade, you go and do the next best thing, suck out all the oxygen out of the room.

B.Poster said...

Honestly I don't really care if I persuade you or not. How exactly am I sucking oxygen out of the room? If you perceive a problem with something I post here, it helps to he specific.

Anonymous said...

Honesty. Now there is an ironic word, when you use it.

B.Poster said...

I'm always honest. There's nothing ironic about that. You could actually make the effort to contact me but you can't or won't do that preferring instead to slander me. I don't think you're qualified to lecture me about honesty.

Anonymous said...

Poster is the new Trump