Friday, December 10, 2021

Cambodian PM Orders US Weapons To Be Collected And Destroyed After Washington Imposed An Arms Embargo Over Human Rights And Ties With China

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen gestures during a news conference at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh on Sept 21. (AFP File Photo) 

AFP: Cambodian PM orders US weapons destroyed after arms embargo 

Cambodian leader Hun Sen ordered the country's military to destroy any US weaponry or dump it in warehouses on Friday, after Washington imposed an arms embargo over human rights concerns and Phnom Penh's close ties with China. 

The US on Wednesday imposed an arms embargo on Cambodia, citing concerns about human rights and corruption in the southeast Asian nation as well as China's activities there. 

The actions taken by the US State and Commerce departments aimed to restrict access to "defense articles and defense services" by Cambodia's military and intelligence agencies, according to a statement. But Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen downplayed the quality of US weapons and equipment on Friday. 

"I order all army units to immediately review arms and military items that Cambodia currently has. (We) must recall all US arms and military items if there are any -- put them in warehouses or destroy them accordingly," he said in a Facebook post.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: PM hits back on US embargo: Immediately destroy or store all US weapons in Cambodia (Khmer Times)  

Update #2: Cambodian PM Hun Sen orders armed forces not to use US made military equipment as spat between two countries escalates (The Star) 

More News On The US Imposing An Arms Embargo On Cambodia Over Human Rights And Ties With China  

U.S. orders arms embargo on Cambodia, cites Chinese influence -- AP  

US tightens curbs as Cambodia moves closer into China’s embrace -- Al Jazeera  

U.S. Hits Cambodia With Arms Embargo Over China Connections -- Bloomberg  

Cambodia placed under US arms embargo over China ties -- Radio Free Asia


Anonymous said...

The US under Joe Biden is just making friends everywhere....

Anonymous said...

Human rights is a good thing, but being confrontational about it, does not seem to be working.

How Sun Tzu do it? He would back door it. Take an indirect route. The Sullivan principles seemed to work. I think they would work in Cambodia. Could work, but the China factor is at play.

The Sullivan principles would not work in China. There is a important variable that is different.

I do not think the Sullivan principles would work in Malaysia. Democrats have shown they are down with that type of discrimination two times over. It is who they are.

Dave Goldstein said...

I wonder if they are going to stop using US dollars as money there? Probably not

Stephen Davenport said...

This is not loss for us, they are the land that brought us Pol Pot, they are still the same.

Anonymous said...

Cambodians are different than other people? They are not different than Rwandans. It can happen here or wherever you live.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 11:45. If we're going to play the China game, then SE Asia is essential to any realistic plans. Not sure what human rights are in question, but this is not a good time to alienate these countries, let alone drive them into China's arms. Cambodia has direct blue water access, which China would love to exploit by means of a sweetheart deal.

Anonymous said...

OK, we've spanked Cambodia. Great. It was already an important Chinese tool. Now how long till we see a a Chinese naval base in the Gulf of Thailand?

Anonymous said...

China has had friendly relations with Cambodia since 1975 and again after 1997.