Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Is The Biden Admiinistration Prepared For The Omicron Variant?


 L.A. Times: Biden faces uncertain threat with Omicron variant as evolving pandemic tests nation's patience 

President Biden is racing to show the country that his administration is prepared for the Omicron variant as the World Health Organization warned there's a "very high" risk of new global outbreaks, a possibility that could prove demoralizing to Americans weary of a pandemic that began nearly two years ago. 

"This variant is a cause for concern, not a cause for panic," Biden said from the White House after emerging from a meeting with public health advisors Monday. 

Much about Omicron, which was first identified in South Africa last week, remains unclear. Some scientists fear it could prove highly contagious or evade protection from vaccines that have already been developed, but public health officials said it could take two weeks to develop clearer answers to those questions. No evidence has emerged that Omicron’s symptoms are different, or more severe than previous variants either. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: 1,876 Americans died from Covid-19 this past Monday, and 1,550 Americans died from Covid-19 yesterday .... Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count (New York Times). These numbers are buried in the media with little if any coverage, knowing too well that it would undermine/damage the Biden administration's handling of the pandemic. But Omicron has the potential to change everything if the worse case scenario happens, a fact that even the above L.A. Times post acknowledges is a possibility.

Update: The Biden administration is losing public support on its handling of the pandemic (see graph below).

Approval of President Biden's handling of the pandemic has plunged since June, according to Fox News polling, and could sink further as his administration faces up to Omicron threat


Anonymous said...

Uh, how is the Biden admin already "prepared" for a brand new variant it still knows little about? F*****g politicians, man.

Anonymous said...

He is doing all that can be done and is stymied by Red state gov and those unwilling to get vaccinated. As insurance companies raise rates for the unvaccinated, more will die or get vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Biden is using all the tools and operating all the levers. It is the plain vanilla blather the spox's always give out.

Anonymous said...

"more will die"

What does more will die? One more will die? Two more will die? You have such an amazing way with the English language, analysis and reality.

Looking at the facts people under 45 should not really fear dying from COID. People older than 44 should consider getting the vaccine. People over 64 should really consider it.

When you sort out the people with pre-existing conditions, is the vaccine really helping?

Mandating vaccines for everyone is not a good trade off, if a young male gets myocarditis and a 75 or 80 year old lives an extra 5 months. It is not a good trade off in life-years, which how Zeke Emmanuel would measure it.

With an 80% vax rate should we not have her immunity? If you need a 100% vax rate for herd immunity, then the concept of herd immunity means nothing or you do not get the concept.

Those people who died of COVID. How do you know they died just with COVID and not with COVID, flu and/or RSV. If they have more than one respiratory virus how do you know what virus killed them or how much credit each virus gets for the assist?

5:02 is histrionic and illiterate. Very bad combo

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when DJT was pres, they blamed him for anything and everything. After he was gone, they continued to blame him, like for the Afghan evacuation cluster fuck. Now that they can't really blame him anymore, they blame the red states, even though the Democrats are in charge of the House, Senate, and presidency. ROTFLMAO

RussInSoCal said...

Yes. Omicron is a "crisis" that can't go to waste.

The Biden admin is fully prepared to use omicron to pump up the fear volume so that every new variant is a reason to force mass mail-in voting in '22 and '24. Hell, forever.

Anonymous said...

I'm no Biden supporter but I am curious for those who think he is handling the pandemic poorly, what could he do better?

Anonymous said...

4:49 To start Biden can quit lying!

Stephen Davenport said...

Where the fuck are you getting your info from WNU editor??? So far it appears the new variant is very mild yet you talk as if we are doomed