Wednesday, December 1, 2021

MI6 Says Al Qaeda Is Seeking To Rebuild Bases In Afghanistan To Launch International Strikes

A Taliban patrol in Kandahar, Afghanistan in August 2021. The UK's MI6 is actively recruiting agents in the world's most dangerous places to combat the threat of terrorist attacks.  

The National: MI6 recruiting from world's most dangerous groups to combat Al Qaeda 

Intelligence chief states agents will work to stop reemergence of group and ISIS in Afghanistan 

MI6 is recruiting agents in the “most dangerous organisations in the world” to combat Al Qaeda’s ambition for mass-casualty terrorism, the service’s chief has said. 

Richard Moore said the terrorist group responsible for the 9/11 attacks is seeking to rebuild bases in Afghanistan to launch international strikes. 

In his first public speech, the Chief of the Security Intelligence Service, highlighted the threat to world stability from Russia, China and Iran as well as from artificial intelligence.  

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WNU Editor: It is going to be a challenge for MI6 to find recruits in Afghanistan right now. The country is in chaos, and I suspect that all of the West's allies in Afghanistan are now either dead, in hiding, or planning to flee or have fled the country.


Anonymous said...

MI6 Says Al Qaeda Is Seeking To Rebuild Bases In Afghanistan To Launch International Strikes

Seriously, who gives a fuck!

If Al Qaeda has to choose between the US and China, they will choose the US, because they do not want to be Uighured.

If Russia, China and the US are equally tough on them for any act of terrorism, they will chose Europe. If Europe is as tough as China, they will choose Pakistan, Iran or the Middle East to work their ass hattery.

Hint, Joe does not scare them nor his formerly trophy wife. Getting the Qasem Soleimani treatment does.

MI6 can go fuck itself. How is that agency protecting anything? Britain cannot enforce it borders and cannot or will not kick out preachers of jihad. MI6 is a bunch of asshats too, if one can judge by Christopher Steele. If Steele was all that good in college and MI6, why was he reduced to opposition research for sleazy Democrats like Hillary and writing pulp novels? Other white collar jobs were not open to him? What is wrong with him and what is wrong with MI6 recruiting?

Or is Chris Steele exactly what MI6 wanted to recruit?

Could a Stacey Abrams and Christopher Steele run for Georgia governor and lieutenant governor be far behind? They are both into the soft core porn novel thing.

Anonymous said...

Finally a pertinent question.

Anonymous said...

There were two questions asked. Money is n the 1st question being responded to.

The statement at 11:58 could be taken a few different ways. It could be taken in the context of a SJW mindset or trolling as it so brief as to be ambiguous.

Anonymous said...

No, it's pertinent question. Do the Taliban care about the Afghan people?

Anonymous said...


They care about the Pashtun and not all of them. Marx had it partial right. Often time the elite do not care about people who make less money or are less powerful. They do not care much about people of their own ethnicity except to use it as a cause.