Thursday, December 9, 2021

Pentagon Says Boosting Taiwan's Defenses An 'Urgent Task'

FILE PHOTO: A soldier lies with a rifle by a beach during an annual anti-invasion drill in Tainan, Taiwan, September 14, 2021. © Reuters / Ann Wan  

Reuters: U.S. Defense Official Says Boosting Taiwan's Defenses an 'Urgent Task' 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bolstering Taiwan's defenses is an urgent task and essential to deterring the threat of invasion by China, the Pentagon's top official for Asia said on Wednesday, adding that U.S. partners were stepping up their military presence in the region. 

Tensions between Taiwan and China have escalated in recent months as Beijing raises pressure on the island it claims as its own with repeated air missions over the Taiwan Strait, the waterway separating the democratically governed island from China.

"Without question, bolstering Taiwan's self-defenses is an urgent task and an essential feature of deterrence," U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Ely Ratner told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: US sees 'urgent' need to boost Taiwan defenses, official says -- The Hill 

Update #2: Bolstering Taiwan's Defense Is 'Urgent Task,' U.S. Official Says -- Bloomberg  

WNU Editor: This is rapidly becoming the consensus in the Pentagon .... US military preparing for potential conflict with China over Taiwan (Washington Examiner).


Anonymous said...

"US military preparing for potential conflict with China over Taiwan (Washington Examiner)"

Would we be talkin g about this, if we were still stuck in Afghanistan?

fazman said...

Probably yes , as this will primarily be a naval commitment

Anonymous said...

Probably no, as IMHO they can only track so many shiny objects at one time. As individuals they may be highly intelligent. As a group they are not tracking a score of items. More like 3 or 5.

U.S. Carries Out Multiple Airstrikes to Support Afghan Forces as They Fight Taliban


Also, planning for the worst, the median and the best, one must assume that the PLA makes ashore and the Taiwanese may need assistance on land also.

Anonymous said...

A more urgent task is to use back channels to persuade West Wing staffers to use the 25th amendment.

“End of Message” – Joe Biden Reads Instruction off Teleprompter in Tribute to Bob Dole

Shade War: Biden Refuses to Acknowledge Kamala Harris as He Walks Past Her in US Capitol – Then Asks Jill to Switch Seats So He Won’t be Next to Harris

Anonymous said...

Trump Told Pence They Wouldn’t Be Friends Anymore If the V.P. Didn’t Overturn the Election, Because He’s a 5-Year-Old

Anonymous said...

When you are a squish and the fate of the nation hangs in a balance, your friendship with people is going to end.

"Every officer of election shall retain and preserve, for a period of twenty-two months from the date of any general, special, or primary election of which candidates for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, or Resident Commissioner from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are voted for, all records and papers which come into his possession relating to any application , ..."

The FBI shredded ballots in Georgia. The SP, Reuters and others writer {"Nothing has been verified yada, yada, yada ...

The Same FBI in the

- Russia Hoax,
- exonerated Hillary and her email server,
- sat on Hunter Biden's laptop.
- 12 of 18 conspirators in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnap case were FBI informants. Will then next time be 17 informants and 1 non-informant?

FBI violates a lot of laws.

There is the Whitey Bulger business also.

When the OSS was created there was J Edgar Hoover pulling shit to kill it, because of turf wars. J Edgar was corruption and was there for 2/3rds of a century. When did the FBI get clean?

Anonymous said...

The difference between the FBI and Russians is that prisoners are not shot in their cell on Lubyanka prison in the back of the head as they pace back and forth. The FBI does not also poison people. That we know of.

Adam said...

Taiwan needs to spend much more themselves $$$

Anonymous said...

"US Preparing for conflict with China",

"US Preparing for conflict with Russia"

"US Preparing for a conflict with Iran"

Joe is dying for a war with a foreign power to distract people from his war against the American people!

Anonymous said...

^ parrot is total bullshit