Friday, December 17, 2021

Russia's Space Program Is 'Rotting From Within'

The Soyuz spacecraft blasts off to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on April 9.  

Ars Technica: A domestic newspaper warns of the Russian space program’s “rapid collapse” 

"The space program is rotting from within." 

A long and strikingly critical article that reviews the state of the Russian space program was published in the state-aligned newspaper MK this week. 

None of the findings in the 2,800-word article were particularly surprising. Western observers who track the Russian space industry realize the program is deeply troubled, and to a great extent running on the fumes of its past and very real glory. What is notable, however, is that a major Russian media outlet has published such a revelatory article for a domestic audience. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: In a nutshell. This is the problem .... .

.... The overall portrait Popov paints of Roscosmos is that of a wasteful, increasingly decrepit enterprise where almost no money is being invested into the present or future. Instead, the focus seems to be providing high-paying jobs for a handful of technocrats, whose salaries are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Meanwhile, the average monthly wages for technical specialists who build the country's rockets and spacecraft range from $500 to $1,000 a month.


Anonymous said...

Russia lost big sources of cash from the USA and that has to hurt. No more RD-180 rocket engines and no more Soyuz ride payments at $80 million per ride per astronaut to the ISS. That’s a loss of over $300 million per year.

The USA had a foreign policy under President Bill Clinton of supporting the Russian space program. To keep Russian talent from supporting Iran or North Korean atomic weapons program.

A total failure.

Anonymous said...

Sounds a lot like the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

$500 to $1000/month. Depends on what can be bought with such a salary. It would be slim pickings here in California. Very slim.

Dave Goldstein said...

Most people get 2k on SSA, more if you are disabled

B.Poster said...

The US space program is a complete joke. The best it can do is give a few billionaires a few minutes in space which is neat, it's worthless for the mid to long term. Perhaps Russia's space program is "rotting" which means they actually have one. Ours is not "rotting." We don't even have a viable one beyond a baby's crawl!!

If Russia's is "rotting,," Perhaps we have breathing space to develop one. Dominance of space is the future.

Anonymous said...

Thet are your brothers WNE so send them a BIG chunk of your bragged-about silver and wealth. Da. Do it.

Anonymous said...