Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Internet Can Sometimes Come Back To Bite You


Anonymous said...

the ref is to the total failure of then-president Trump to take active measures to stop the virus. The deaths now taking place are by and large from Trump and GOP supporters or dopes unwilling to take advantage of the vaccines made available by the current president. Look at the data: who is dying and where? who is getting the virus with almost no serious consequences?

Anonymous said...

"the ref is to the total failure of then-president Trump to take active measures to stop the virus." - compleat and utter waste of space

Stopping travel from the China to the US in February /March of 2020 was an active measure.

In fact Biden used this one himself when he banned travel to and from several south African countries.

9:58 (x2) does not think beyond in-group/out-group. What a fucking whore!

I will say it again. It occurs to me that no one can be as stupid as 9:58. It makes a person wonder if they are a foreign troll. They are essentially all but brainless.

Anonymous said...

Sir- still blamin it on Trump eh? Can't use that one anymore unfortunately

Anonymous said...

A 25 year old died of COVID recently. Do not know if they had the vaccine or not. His boss, the sheriff, was broken up about it. The guy was a really good guy. He did fire fighting, EMT, LEO (i.e. the full spectrum). Season the guy with some more years experience, increased responsibility and perhaps a college degree (but those are going into the shitter because of libs) and he would've made an awesome sheriff, police or fire chief, city councilman or something else.

They had am picture of him. It was picture just of his face. Just from it, you know his BMI was over 30% or over 33%. The newspapers don't to mention vaccine status(although vaccine is a misnomer). I daresay he had been vaccinated. IT did say he had underlying health risk factors. One was obvious. It was obesity. Whether it was its own problem or caused by something else he had it.

The long and the short of it is there have been 3 people out of a million (where I live), who died at age 50 or less and they all had major problem before COVID. You do not lockdown the economy. You keep going and take other measures to protect the vulnerable.

COVID is not such a threat to lockdown the economy. Smallpox has a case fatality rate of 30%. COPVID is a whole murder of magnitude less than that and then some.

But we cannot talk numbers with 9:58, because the chickenshit cannot or will not.

Anonymous said...

a "whore" is ? for money?
those of us who are fairly well educated now refer to sex workers. On your next visit, please remember that

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Simpleton: you want to deal with numbers for contrast in deaths for those with and those without full vaccinations?

Now we have all the information we need and can calculate the death rates:

of 10 unvaccinated people, 5 died → the death rate among the unvaccinated is 50%
of 50 vaccinated people, 5 died → the death rate among the vaccinated is 10%

We therefore see that the death rate among the vaccinated is 5-times lower than among the unvaccinated.

for more for your silly mind, read up on real data, numbers, instead of your bullshit

Anonymous said...

Such nice ROUND #s to entice the functionally illiterate to want to pay superficial attention.

1) The data is dirty due to the dying with COVID or from COVID.

2) VAERS reporting has been corrupted.

3) the 'authorities' count anyone dying within 2 weeks of second dose as dying unvaxxed.

4) The Lit. major does not know the law of large numbers. you know N >= 30.

How the fuck do all those countries have different curves? After all N >30.

5) Ask Why 5 times. Mr. Lit. only asks once. You know that dude would rather pass on from natural causes after a long life than ever learn about multifactorial analysis. He is content with his ignorance.

6) Why is the unvaxxed death rate coming down in all countries?

Are peop0le going to get jabbed ever 3 months or 6 months?

7) Why are schools going to have doctors specializing cardiac diseases in grade schools. All those kids are vaxxed or will be soon and the schools want cardiac specialists in NY.

That shit is going to get pitchforks to be forged. Some Democrat governors are saying no to lockdowns, mandates and masks, because they are reading the tea leaves. So double down on superficial analysis, if you are a dope.

Anonymous said...

show data, facts, not your poor upbringing
bad-mouthing my education, which you read while stalking me, does NOT make your case little one.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, including for children ages 5 years and older

Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines since they were authorized for emergency use by FDA.
COVID-19 vaccines have undergone and will continue to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history. Learn more about how federal partners are continuing to closely monitor vaccine safety.
A growing body of evidence has shown that these vaccines are safe and effective.
COVID-19 vaccines were developed using scientific methods that have been around for decades.
Before recommending COVID-19 vaccination for children, scientists conducted clinical trials. The FDA gave the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine emergency authorization to use in children ages 5 years through 15 years and full approval to use in people ages 16 years and older. Learn more about the process of developing, authorizing and approving COVID-19 vaccines.
Some people have no side effects from COVID-19 vaccines. Many people have reported side effects that may affect their ability to do daily activities, but they should go away within a few days.
There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause fertility problems.
The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known and potential risks. Reports of adverse events, like allergic reactions or myocarditis or pericarditis, are rare.
Everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine can participate in safety monitoring by enrolling themselves and their children ages 5 years and older in v-safe and completing health check-ins after COVID-19 vaccination. Parents and caregivers can create or use their own account to enter their children’s information.

COVID-19 vaccines are effective

COVID 19-vaccines are effective and can reduce the risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Learn more about the different COVID-19 vaccines.
COVID-19 vaccines also help children and adults from getting seriously ill even if they do get COVID-19.
There are approximately 28 million children between the ages of 5 and 11 years old in the United States, and there have been nearly 2 million cases of COVID-19 within this age group during the pandemic. COVID-19 can make children very sick, require hospitalization, and some children have even died. Children with underlying medical conditions are more at risk for severe illness compared to children without underlying medical conditions.
Getting children ages 5 years and older vaccinated can help protect them from serious short- and long-term complications.
Getting everyone ages 5 years and older vaccinated can protect families and communities, including friends and family who are not eligible for vaccination and people at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

viruses icon

About Variants

Viruses are constantly changing, including the virus that causes COVID-19. These changes occur over time and can lead to the emergence of variants that may have new characteristics. Vaccines continue to reduce a person's risk of contracting the virus that cause COVID-19. Vaccines are highly effective against severe illness.
Once fully vaccinated, people can start doing more

After children and adults are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, they can resume many activities that they did before the pandemic.
CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial or high transmission.

Anonymous said...

Famous Anti-Vaxxers Who Have Died From COVID-19

Anonymous said...

"COVID-19 vaccines are safe, including for children ages 5 years and older"

Literature major lies.

a 5 year olds chance of death form COVID is 0. But they can get hurt form vaccine.
A child is more at risk from a vaccine than the virus,

Truly 12:35 is a moron.

Anonymous said...

"This was done to fit the new mantra, that the vaccines reduce the severity of your COVID infection. So now let's think. Remember having your mild measles infection? I sure as hell don't. When you step on a nail, does your tetanus toxoid permit you to have only a mild degree of paralysis? I'm very glad I have only a few pustule scars from my benign smallpox case.

Obviously, none of this is true. Up to now, the goal of vaccination was to prevent infection for at least a significant period of time. Anything less is a failure. Yet we push these failed products while around us the case numbers are increasing."

By Henry F. Smith, Jr.

Henry F Smith Jr., M.D., FCCP is a pulmonary physician.

Henry knows more than a damn lit. major.

Anonymous said...

This lit major questions such crp from your doctor, who says:

"You need a new strategy to deal with this disease. First, we need to demand that authorities permit the use of proven, cheap, and safe medications such as hydroxychloroquine, and particularly Ivermectin, in combination with other medications and vitamin therapy."
that latter joy juice is listed among the scientific mistakes of 2021!

as for very young kids: they are not being vaccinated so what the fuck are you talking abvout

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I had a bad back. My GP sent me to an orthopedic doctor specializing in spine issues. He took the usual XRays and then told me I had 4 bad discs. Never mind, he said, the what smudges on the scan. My GP saw the same scans and sent me to an oncologist. I had and got cured of early lymphoma. Doctors know their specialties, mostly, but we see what we look for. Your pulmonary guy would be wise to stick to comments about his own field.

Anonymous said...


So glad that you are sop bigoted and maybe lying on top of that. You did not read the article. I did not link the article, but neither would a search prove at all difficult.

"The truth is, there have been multiple attempts to create vaccines for coronaviruses. The efforts have been uniformly unsuccessful. First, these are respiratory viruses, which tend to be somewhat more difficult to immunize against. One big problem is that if you create a strong immune reaction in the lung tissues, where the virus resides, the patient can develop respiratory failure. "

Yes, I think he knows his specialty as well as enough of those that impinge on his specialty.

Anonymous said...

"as for very young kids: they are not being vaccinated so what the fuck are you talking about"


When can kids under 5 get vaccinated against Covid-19? What parents should know November 3, 2021

An Update on Vaccine Roll-Out for 5-11 Year-olds in the U.S.

"that latter joy juice is listed among the scientific mistakes of 2021!"

^^^ Dumb fuck, who never so much as took a chemistry class. ^^^

Recommendation is you should get a boyfriend with a smaller package so he does not press so hard on your brains when he tops you.

"Meanwhile, the below chart from Johns Hopkins shows how African nations which widely distribute ivermectin have had drastically lower death rates than those which do not."

Anonymous said...

WNU reduced to lame trolling. SAD.

Anonymous said...

It is correct to call Biden a "whore" because he will do anything for money. It's fairly common to call a corrupt politician a "whore". English is such a fun language!

Anonymous said...

Interpretation: Ivermectin treatment was associated with lower mortality during treatment of COVID-19, especially in patients with severe pulmonary involvement.

Anonymous said...

The incidence in mortality rates and number of cases is significantly lower among the APOC countries compared to non-APOC countries. That a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use is an attractive hypothesis. Additional studies are needed to confirm it.

APOC vs non-APOC

Anonymous said...

We've at least learned that Lapides doesn't mind being an "educated" loser. Tell us again Lapides how you're our "better".