Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Today's America

WNU Editor: They were elected on the promise to get the pandemic under control. Update: China is (somewhat) doing the same thing (see below).


Anonymous said...

Update: China is (somewhat) doing the same thing (see below).


Anonymous said...

'Elected'. Via a shell game, and outright fraud.

Never trust a leftist. Never.

Anonymous said...

Russiagate alone tells the story of who the left is. Far from their only crime.

Anonymous said...

1. Didn't get elected unless you believe the media lies
2. Most insecure election ever and if you doubt anything they brand you terrorist, now that just screams democracy, doesn't it
3. Most unpopular president in recorded history, yet you claim he won by historic margins
4. Rolls out law after law that does only one things: usher in the great reset and make you want it too, now that your nation states are being systematically destroyed through illegal and unethical mandates that RIP your countries apart

Look, you can act as if this wasn't a hostile takeover and you can pretend they're not mass murderers, psychopaths and traitors... but don't expect us to believe it

If their acts are indistinguishable from treasonous, mass murderous acts, I don't care what flag you wave or pin you wear. I won't stop coming after you until you're legally trialled and hung for your crimes against your own people and mine

Anonymous said...

blah blah blad
show us where the 10- million popularity votes were wrong

show us where the electoral college was wrong
show us where 30 court cases all lost by Trump were wrong

and then keep on denying reality
if the elections were rigged etc why did any number of GOP candidates win in seats in Congress at that election?

Anonymous said...

saying something is meaningless UNLESS you can substantiate what you say or claim. You have not. You can not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
