Saturday, December 4, 2021

White House Confirms President Biden And Russian President Putin Will Hold A Video Call On Tuesday


Daily Mail: White House confirms Biden and Putin will talk on TUESDAY as tensions at Ukraine border escalate 

* President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin plan to hold a video call on Tuesday to discuss military tensions over Ukraine's border 

* Biden reportedly wants to discuss the US' concerns about Russia's military buildup - which it denies - on the Ukraine border 

* Biden also wants to discuss the US' concerns about strategic stability, cyber and regional issues 

* The US President will reportedly reaffirm the US' support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity 

* Russia may be planning to invade Ukraine in early 2022 

US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a video call on Tuesday to discuss the military tensions and buildup at Ukraine's border, the White House confirmed on Saturday. 

'President Biden will underscore US concerns with Russian military activities on the border with Ukraine and reaffirm the United States’ support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,' a statement by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki read. 

Biden also wants to discuss the US' concerns about strategic stability, cyber and regional issues, according to the statement  

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WNU Editor: I am not optimistic at all on these talks. There is no common ground, and this video conference call is being

White House Confirms President Biden And Russian President Putin Will Hold A Video Call On Tuesday  

Biden, Putin set video call Tuesday as Ukraine tensions grow -- AP  

Biden and Putin set to talk about Ukraine in video call on Tuesday -- Reuters  

Biden and Putin to hold call amid Ukraine invasion fears -- BBC  

White House confirms plans of holding video call between Biden and Putin on December 7 -- TASS  

Date of Putin-Biden talks announced -- RT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Win Win

Joe gets his photo op.

Putin gets read on Joe.