Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Why China Will Win The New Global Arms Race

David Brown, BBC News: Why China could win the new global arms race 

China is building up its armed forces at a rapid pace. Its advances in missile technology, nuclear weapons and artificial intelligence have triggered serious concern among many Western observers, who believe a profound shift in the global balance of military power is under way. 

President Xi Jinping has ordered China's armed forces to modernise by 2035. They should, he says, become a "world-class" military power, capable of "fighting and winning wars" by 2049. 

 It is a huge undertaking, but the country is on target.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: China already has the manufacturing infrastructure to build anything and everything that they want quickly and in huge numbers (and on the cheap).


Caecus said...

the worst thing about the US massive budget is that it doesn't translate into an equally impressive military edge over its adversaries.

Adam said...

With the right leadership in the US this is not a given.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure that China's MIC is as inefficient, corrupt and incompetent as our lavishly funded MIC.

Do you rubes really believe that these complex systems will actually work as advertised in a real conflict? I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might like to buy.

Jac said...

A lot of weapon and also sophisticated is marvelous...until you have to do and pay for the maintenance.