Friday, January 7, 2022

20,000 Afghan Special Forces Have Been Abandoned By The U.S.

Afghan military recruits graduating in Kabul, July 2021  

FOX News: 20,000 Afghan commandos left behind, lawmakers and veterans urge Biden to rescue them 

U.S. officials say over 20,000 Afghan commandos have been abandoned. 

It’s been four months since the United States left Afghanistan, leaving behind thousands of allies who worked side-by-side with the American military for 20 years. 

While the administration boasts it evacuated over 120,000 Afghans—a majority were not Afghan interpreters or their families, officials say. The Biden administration has pledged to help vulnerable Afghans escape, but some lawmakers and veterans say the government has no plans to rescue perhaps the most critical ally: Afghan commandos. A group built from scratch by U.S. Special Operations Forces.  

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WNU Editor: It is not only 20,000 Afghan special forces that the White House abandoned. There are the interpreters, government officials, aid workers and groups dependent on U.S. assistance, and Afghan civilians who embraced U.S. culture and ideals and a hope for a better future. All of these people have been abandoned.


Anonymous said...

the same 20,000 who did not defend their country

Anonymous said...

And in the end, there existed a country whose military was trained to be like ours but couldn't pay for it.


Anonymous said...

True they did lay down their arms kinda quick... but without American air support they'd probably get overrun

Anonymous said...

There was a commando unit in June/July that fought to the last bullet. Joe Bite Me in his infinite wisdom denied them air support.

Anonymous said...

Bring all 20,000 to Canada