Sunday, January 9, 2022

Does Russian President Putin Want To Restore The Soviet Union?


RT: US believes Putin wants to restore Soviet Union – Blinken  

America's top diplomat makes sweeping claim ahead of security negotiations  

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that Russia is eyeing restoration of the Soviet Union, which is, in his opinion, “unacceptable” and should be addressed. He offered no evidence to support his assertion. 

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that Russia is eyeing restoration of the Soviet Union, which is, in his opinion, “unacceptable” and should be addressed. In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Blinken was asked if he agreed with former secretary of defense Leon Panetta, who once said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was driven by a desire to restore the old USSR. 

I think that’s right, I think that’s one of President Putin’s objectives, and it is to re-exert a sphere of influence over countries that previously were part of the Soviet Union,” Blinken replied.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: President Putin may wish the restoration of the former Soviet Union, but he is not a dreamer. Even the people that I know in Russia who wish the former Soviet Union never broke up have accepted the fact that the Soviet Union will never come back. 

But it is more than that.

Among my own family/friends/and contacts in Russia (and I dare say most Russians) .... no one wants to accept these former Soviet states back into a hypothetical reconstituted Russian Federation. This includes Belarus and the Russian dominated regions in the Ukraine, Baltic states, and other border regions.


Anonymous said...

"Among my own family/friends/and contacts in Russia (and I dare say most Russians) .... no one wants to accept these former Soviet states back into a hypothetical reconstituted Russian Federation. This includes Belarus and the Russian dominated regions in the Ukraine, Baltic states, and other border regions."

May I ask why you say the Russian people would not accept the Russian dominated portions of Belarus and Ukraine? After all, didn't the Russian people accept the restoration of the Crimea to Russian territory?

Anonymous said...

5:44 asked my question.

B.Poster said...

Several things that will never happen, 1.) Restoration of the old South in America including slavery, 2.) Restoration of systemic discrimination against African Americans in America, 3.) Restoration of imperial Jaoan circa the WW2 era, 4.) Restoration of Nazi Germany, and 5.) Restoration of the Soviet Union.

I'm sure Mr. Putin knows this. He wants to foment conflict with America that our leadership class stupidly plays into.

Civil rights leaders obviously know African-Americans will never be discriminated against eber again and the American people stand ready and desperately want to make reparations!!! unfortunately the Civil rights activists want to keep the conflict going!!

Anonymous said...

Poster, I don't want to pay reparations. Nor do I know anyone who does.
Of course you are aware of LBJ's "Great Society Programs". Why would you think people want to experience that broken record again other than the AOC's,etc., of this country?

War News Updates Editor said...

In 2014 most Russians were luke warm in annexing Crimea. Myself included.
The ones who pushed for it were Russian nationalists, Putin, and the Russian population in |Crimea.

B.Poster said...

Actually I don't want to pay reparations and even if I did O don't think they'd do any good as far as ending the dd facto race war. To many especially the agitators have a vested interest in keeping the conflict going.

You don't know anyone who does? I would suggest broadening your horizons perhaps meeting more people. While I may be wrong, based upon careful observation it is my considered opinion that a majority of Americans do support reparations. While I'm opposed to it, O might consider supporting it as part of a comprehensive package that ends the race conflict once and for all. As I pointed out, the civil rights agitators and their followers don't want to end the conflict making such a policy a bon starter right now.

As for the great society programs, I agree with you entirely. Unfortunately a majority of our country men and women don't share our views believing the problem to be execution of the programs as opposed to the programs themselves.

Please understand I truly believe our country will get better but it may get worse before it does. You might want to buckle up!! It may be a rough ride for a few years or so!!

Anonymous said...

Be. Imposter!