Saturday, January 8, 2022

UK Preparing "High Impact" Sanctions Against Russia Over Ukraine


The Hill: UK Preparing "High Impact" Sanctions On Russia Over Ukraine 

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on Thursday warned Russia against any further aggression on the Ukrainian border, saying the United Kingdom and its partners were prepared to place "high impact" sanctions on Moscow. 

"We will not accept the campaign Russia is waging to subvert its democratic neighbors," Truss told Parliament, according to Reuters. 

"They have falsely cast Ukraine as a threat to justify their aggressive stance." 

 "The U.K. is working with our partners on these sanctions, including high impact measures targeting the Russian financial sector and individuals," Truss added, saying Russia is the "aggressor" in this situation.  

Read more .... 

UK Preparing "High Impact" Sanctions Against Russia Over Ukraine  

Britain warns Russia over Ukraine: we're working on high-impact sanctions -- Reuters  

UK Threatens Russia With ‘High Impact’ Sanctions Over Ukraine --  

U.K. Foreign Secretary Announces Kyiv Visit, Says Russia's Only Path Forward Is De-Escalation With Ukraine -- RFE  

UK military official presents Cabinet with action options for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine -- TASS


Caecus said...

the state of the British parliament

Anonymous said...

NATO can’t save Ukraine nor Poland nor the Baltics. It’s too weak and too fractured.
Unless Germany changes course and embraces non Russian energy and starts spending money to rebuild a modern military Russia will win in the long term.

I see no prospect Germany changes course given the Russianphile SPD heading a leftist German chancellory.

B.Poster said...

All in all a pretty good analysis. There's not much to add.

Russia has been a major power for centuries and rightly or wrongly they are expected to remain a major power for centuries more. In contrast, rightly or wrongly America is perceived as a power on decline with a myriad of problems so extreme that the country may not even exist in the next few years. In this environment, it isn't necessarily surprising that Germany would act as it does.

Which Russuan bon energy sources could Germany embrace? Obviously with enviro wackos holding outsized influences in America any deals with us are going to be risky. The supplies could be cut off at anytime. O do think, in time, we are going to break their hold over us but I wouldn't expect Germany or others to wait until this happens.

Personally I see America rebounding from it's current situation and thriving. For NATO to be viable Obviously nations such as Germany will need to step up. I deem it both unreasonable and impossible to expect America and our people to bear the current load we are expected to carry.

Anonymous said...

First step would be to kick all the oligarchs out of Mayfair and Belgravia, who rarely, if ever, visit their $10 million investment properties.

Anonymous said...

who would win in a war, UK vs Russia?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

UK would win a war against Russia? What with? Enfeebled armed forces, no big hitty hurty weapons of any sort worthwhile mentioning, no defence from said weapons being used against the UK, no reserves of trained personnel, weapons, ammunition, fuel, supplies etc.... no means of self-powered energy anymore. Literally the UK is reduced to an island of shopkeepers who can't sell to the EU Nasties and is beset with an overflow of illegal gimmegrunts in dingies from the other enemy, France. Add in a weak, pathetic, woke and 'liberal' government lead by a buffoon...the UK is a loser again. Ever since the yanks fucked the UK over WW2 reparations, the Empire and Suez....some ally eh!

B.Poster said...

The "yanks" never fucked the UK over. We've always worshiped them and would MEVER hurt them.

We never really wanted to be independent. The Revolutionary War which no one ever expected go succeed was an act of desperation to end an incredibly abusive relationship.