Friday, February 11, 2022

Europeans Are Reeling From High Energy Prices

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) storage tanks. Copyright DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP  

Euronews: Europe's energy crisis: Five charts to explain why your bills might go up this winter 

Natural gas prices have surged in Europe as countries exit COVID-19 lockdown, fuelling a crisis that is already impacting consumers' bills. 

The cost is now four times higher than what it was last year in Europe and is continuing to increase, with the crisis unlikely to abate before the spring.

Governments are scrambling to issue subsidies and cut taxes in an effort to protect consumers. 

Here are five charts to help you visualise what's going on.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: High energy prices send Europe’s businesses, homes reeling (AP)  

Update #2: The European Energy Crisis Was Inevitable (  

WNU Editor: If a war breaks out and sanctions follow, these high energy prices will be seen as a bargain.

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

Part of what good leadership does is to work to ensure the nation has access to a stable and reasonably priced supply of fossil fuels. Since enviro-whackos weild disproportionate power in America, obviously nobody really wants to deal with us

We're in the midst of Cold War 2. The goal should be to either win it or end it. As is with Cold War 1, the goal was to end it. Team Reagen was allowed to claim "victory" for domestic political purposes. Thankfully his team successfully ended the first round.

Essentially killing the Keystone pipeline is stupid on so many levels that it's hard to know where to begin. As is the case with the first Cold War, the goal should be to end it. Now how does one end it unless the other side knows a fight would be costly and they might actually lose?

In the current case, it wouldn't be particularly costly to Russia and America's "allies" will peel away fast to protect much needed relations with both Russia and China. Might our leadership class try and use nukes to stay alive? After all the rest of us seem expendable to them.

In their utter idiocy they neglected upkeep of our nuclear arsenal for decades. Will it even work if we/they need it? Former president Trump when he was a candidate rightly asked this question. Upon election he once stated the first thing he did was to upgrade our nuclear arsenal.

I pray he succeeded. Given the direction of our leadership class, perhaps he aucceeded. Our leadership class will use nukes to protect Hunter and Romney associates. Will Russia? Our arsenal better work!!