Monday, February 14, 2022

Growing Worries On The Future Of Canada And Ukraine

WNU Editor: I will be brief, and after this post I am going to crash and fall asleep.

It has been a long day. Spent most of my time talking to my family and friends in Ukraine. 

To say that everyone is upset and frustrated with what is happening right now is an understatement. Everyone is hoping for the best, but preparing for the worse. I am helping as much as I can. But there are limits to what one can do in situations like this.

Same thing from my family and friends in Russia who, without exception, now all believe that Putin will green-light a military incursion into Ukraine. They are all getting ready for sanctions, and the severe consequences that it will bring.

No one I know wants a war, but as I always enjoy saying. "No one wants war, but war wants you"

As for Canada .... the country that I live in .... not a good day. 

Our civil liberties and rights are now suspended, and while the media calls it the "Emergency Act", it is really a form of martial law. 

The Canadian Federal government now has immense powers, and you just know that they will be using and abusing it. 

I will not be surprised if we start to see and hear reports of Trudeau's critics being targeted by law enforcement and by the many governmental agencies that can make your life a living hell. I expect people's bank accounts are going to be targeted. This Prime Minister has an authoritarian streak, and he does not take kindly to his opponents and critics. 

I also do not expect this "Emergency Act" to end anytime soon. Governments never like giving up power when they have it, and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau certainly does not strike me as someone who will give it up quickly.

Tucker Carlson's analysis on what is happening in Canada is spot on (see below). Unfortunately, this message and point of view is not being presented on Canada's main networks. With the exception of independent media, which I predict will also be targeted by the "Emergency Act", the main stream media is peddling the government's narrative without exception.


Jac said...


Anonymous said...

Your thoughts on Ukraine are insightful. I hope we can revisit your opinions on Canada's recent troubles, next year, and laugh at your dim and grim projections...barring WW3.

Anonymous said...

Shutdown WNU.

Anonymous said...

"I will not be surprised if we start to see and hear reports of Trudeau's critics being targeted by law enforcement "

Ayatollah Khomeini succeeded in 1979 part because soldiers would fire against demonstrators. But here in Canada the police will follow every dictatorial whim.

Before WW2 Europe was chockfull of dictators. They were in Greece, Spain, Romania, Italy, Austria, and Germany.

Zelensky is no Dollfuss, so it is not an exact repeat although he is short.

I expect Rebel News to be debanked. The Left has been doing that for half a decade now.

Anonymous said...

"Comedian Heather McDonald Says She Won’t Get 4th Covid Jab After Collapsing on Stage, Fracturing Skull (VIDEO)"

Anonymous said...

If it looks like an invasion, walks like an invasion, and talks (sounds) like an invasion ... it's an invasion. And even in the increasingly unlikely event that it's not, you simply don't ignore or dismiss what we are watching right now. You HAVE to assume it is what it appears to be. Anything else would be incredibly naive.

Anonymous said...

Tucker is my favorite white ethno-nationalist.

He really should take a dump. In his pants.

Anonymous said...

GiveSendGo hack reveals names of thousands of Convoy donors | National Post<

Anonymous said...

only retards listen to Fox!

Comedian Heather McDonald collapsed and fractured her skull while performing at a comedy club in Arizona over the weekend. While the cause of her collapse is unknown, a publicist told local journalists in Arizona it may have been the result of dehydration.

But Fox News shamelessly promoted the notion that there is a connection between the performer’s collapse and her having been vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

People Are Looking For Designated Bomb Shelters In Kyiv, But Some Have Become Cocktail Bars, Restaurants, And A Strip Club

Anonymous said...

Comedian Heather McDonald Says She Won’t Get 4th Covid Jab After Collapsing on Stage, Fracturing Skull (VIDEO)

Sorry, if you got triggered Lapides, but the above link is not from Fox. Do you need a panic room?

From the statement is seems as though the comedian herself has made a link, is worried about a link, or just seems no point in getting jabbed, when officials will just want a person to get yet another jab in 4 months hence.

Dr. Drew said he has a friend who still can’t walk after getting the Covid booster, but encouraged people to get jabbed anyway.