Wednesday, February 23, 2022

It Looks Like The U.S. Main Stream Media Is Blaming Russia For Inflation, High Gas Prices, And Supply Chain Supply Problems

WNU Editor: Expect this media narrative to grow as the US mid terms get closer and inflation becomes an issue.


Anonymous said...

Well, not too far into the future, Russians can sell vodka as their major strength of theire economy

E.U. to unveil new energy strategy in wake of Russia-Ukraine crisis

Anonymous said...

10:18 aka Fred Short Bus.

Fred is good for a one variable analysis. Maybe.

So you say the EU has a new energy strategy. Really? Pray tell. Well so does Russia. They are building new pipeline from Siberia to China

Russia, China agree 30-year gas deal via new pipeline, to settle in euros

So lets see here. New Euro policy is variable #1 and new Russia/China trade deal is variable #2.

Oh My Fucking GOD! 2 Variables! Count them Two Variables. That is enough to overwhelm and blow short bus's circuits!

But why am I surprised? Bezos can lift the top of short bus's skull and dump any shit into the cavity and Short Bus will call it brains and deep thought.

Anonymous said...

Russia's trade balance is predicated mostly on a single commodity, petrochemicals (oil and gas are often used interchangeably).

The EU could have a total 100% trade embargo against Russia and Russia will still be able to sell to China. China will still be able to pay Russia because Germany among other cucks regularly tells Washington and especially Trump to fuck off.

Democrats make too much money in China to also put the screw on China. They will talk a good game for a few microseconds, but in the end outside of campaign season they will do jack shit.

Well, except for Rep Swalwell. He will fuck the shit out of any Chinese spy he comes across and still sit on the intel committee.

Anonymous said...

I had a professor, who warned against one variable analysis. It was wasteful of time and money. It also could give the exact wrong answer. Variable interact and if you do a one variable analysis you might no capture this information.

So this professor, a full PhD. warned that people, engineers with masters degrees in their respective fields nonetheless made mistakes in statistics and with design of experiments. It is embarrassing.

I think you can expand the profession who make such mistake beyond engineers to social scientists, poly-sci majors, public admin degree holders and other riff raff.

So the EU is going to try to wean itself off of the Russian petro tit. They might mean it. They might do it. How soon? That is one variable. Remember Chinese Russian oil trade is another variable.

I despise people who do one variable analysis. They think they know something and they vote. They vote and they fuck up the world all to hell.

Dave Goldstein said...

Real life is several hundred thousand variables. It's why computers are used. Not idiots

Anonymous said...

Usually, you start with several variables learn the equations and then upgrade to modeling as a student.