Thursday, February 10, 2022

President Biden On Ukraine: 'Things Could Go Crazy Quickly'. Urges Americans To Leave Now

President Joe Biden again urged Americans to leave Ukraine on Thursday, this time warning them that American troops won't come to the rescue if Russia launches an invasion  

CNN: Biden on Ukraine situation: 'Things could go crazy quickly' 

(CNN)President Joe Biden on Thursday urged Americans in Ukraine to leave the country immediately, warning that "things could go crazy quickly" in the region. 

"American citizens should leave now," Biden said in an upcoming interview that was taped Thursday with NBC News' Lester Holt. 

Referring to Russia, which has amassed troops on its border with Ukraine, Biden said, "It's not like we're dealing with a terrorist organization. We're dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. It's a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly." 

Biden said during his NBC interview that "there's not" a situation that could prompt him to send US troops to rescue Americans attempting to exit Ukraine, adding, "That's a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another." 

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WNU Editor: To be fair. Ukraine has been a crazy place since the 2014 revolution.

More News On President Biden Urging Americans To Leave Now  

Biden on Russia-Ukraine escalations: 'Things could go crazy quickly' -- The Hill  

Biden tells Americans in Ukraine to 'leave now' as possible Russian invasion looms -- FOX News 

Ukraine tensions: Joe Biden says US citizens should leave Ukraine now -- BBC  

Things could go crazy': Biden urges Americans to leave Ukraine amid threat of Russian invasion -- USA Today


Anonymous said...

Why would they want to leave? It is crazier in the US.

Pennsylvania is the top exporter of electricity among states, a rare instance of economic leadership for the state.

“It doesn’t make sense to shut down prematurely coal plants that provide the security of on-site fuel storage and an alternative when prices of natural gas and other sources spike or when other resources are unavailable,” - Michelle Bloodworth

“If these plants are shuttered, there will be blackouts” - Baker

In 3 years life could be better in Russian than USSA.

Maybe some liberal jackasses will finds out that when you central heat on new furnaces goes out, often you cannot relight it without electricity. There is no pilot light. You cannot use a long match, The burner subassembly is sealed. There is a few reasons for this and one of them is safety. But in the end no electricity means no heat. You have all the natural gas you want, but no joy. I learned the hard way how much furnaces changed in a mere 10 years.

In Pennsylvania they are being hit by a 1, 2 punch. First, there is regulatory harassment. Then there is the governor. He is a tad smarter than Justin. I think however he is corrupt. That LLC he was involved in seems fishy. It is like someone is throwing a switch. Maybe it was the recession, but it still seems questionable.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, “Shit happens” isn’t the most inspiring of leadership speeches.

Jac said...

Biden has the Afghan gilt for all Americans left there.