Sunday, February 6, 2022

President Biden Says Putin Wants What He 'Cannot Get'


Daily Mail: Biden says Putin wants what he 'cannot get' as White House warns Russia could invade Ukraine 'any day now' and first of 3,000 U.S. troops arrive in Poland 

* President Joe Biden said Sunday that Russia wants what it 'cannot get' in diplomatic talks 

* Comments suggest Russian President Vladimir Putin will not deescalate tensions with Ukraine 

* Meanwhile, an elite group of U.S. paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division arrived at the Rzeszow-Jasionka Airport in Poland on Sunday, February 6, 2022 

* Comes after Biden approved deployment of 2,000 troops from Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Poland and Germany to bolster forces as Russia moves closer to invading Ukraine 

* Forces arrived on an Air Force Boeing C-17 Globemaster III on Sunday 

* On Saturday, more U.S. military aid arrived in Kyiv and U.S. Army officers arrived in Poland from Germany 

* U.S. intelligence warns Russia is now '70 per cent ready' to invade Ukraine 

* Estimated 100,000 troops have amassed on Ukrainian border in recent months 

Joe Biden seemed to suggest Sunday that Russia will not choose diplomacy because they are requesting compromises that the U.S. and NATO are not willing to make. 

When returning from the White House, President Biden briefly stopped to speak with reporters on the South Lawn and was asked what factors Russian President Vladimir Putin is considering when making his decision whether to invade Ukraine or deescalate tensions in the region. 

 'I think things he cannot get,' Biden responded. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: President Biden also states that Russia and China moving closer together is nothing new .... Biden Says ‘Nothing New’ About Russia, China Moving Closer Together (Sputnik).


Anonymous said...

Libfuckers always get their way.

So far Democrats have been able to propose something stupid, get shot down and then within a decade or two try and retry until they get their way. Of course Biden and his handlers think they are going to get their way.

They lea4ned nothing from COVID. They think their COVID actions were a stunning success. So here comes SARS #3.

"Then Daszak’s team would mess with the viruses in various ways in the lab. This process could include repeatedly passing them through mice with human characteristics to see if they could evolve to infect people.

Incredibly, Daszak and his team suggested developing aerosolized vaccines containing versions of these viruses that appeared to have potential. Then they planned to spray it into the habitats where host animals may become infected with the virus of concern. Even our most advanced military technology development command thought the idea was reckless and could cause disease outbreaks."

Anonymous said...

Biden is a moron.
3,000 US when Putin is sending over 100,000 is like saying “ Hit Me”.
Where are 3,000 from Germany, France, italy, Denmark, Britain, etc?

Anonymous said...

3,000 added to Ukraine's 200,000 + Ukrainian reservists

The troop counts are important especially when they have anti-tank and manpads. What is worrisome is the imbalance in aircraft and artillery. That and the troops are position too far back.

Or are they. Maybe the troops in Poland will close the corridor and hold Kaliningrad hostage in the even to hostilities?

Putin could lose big here even marching all the way to the river and splitting Ukraine in half.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

This will be Afghan 2.0

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan 2.0, but for who?

The US won one and lost one in Afghanistan. The Russians are 0 for 1.

Ukraine is on the border of Russia. Well, so was Afghanistan.

The US does not have the handicap of Pakistan fucking us in the ass in Ukraine. This time we have the Germans and French. Not sure about Scholzamatic but Macron I believe is up to the task.