Thursday, February 24, 2022

President Biden To Deliver Remarks On The Russian Invasion On Ukraine (Live)


Anonymous said...

Listening to Biden. Weak. Very Weak

I'll give this for Mr. 10%. Once the horse leaves the barn, he slams the barn door shut faster than anyone.

fazman said...

So no exclusion from swift, no personal sanctions on putin, no mention of increased lethal aid ..all while wearing an idiotic grin.

Anonymous said...

Prediction: These slow sanctions that joe says will take time means that Russia with Chinese assistance adapt to it.

Remember the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline.

Europe will stop Nordstream 2 for awhile, but they will keep suckling from other already built Russian pipelines. This is why Biden did not disconnect Russia from SWIFT. He can't or he is a coward.

Dip fuckers (you know liberals + democrats) do not realize that Russia sells a lot of fertilizer, which is a petroleum product. So Europe and the rest of the world will buy that too.

So how much will unprecendented sanctions hurt?

Anonymous said...

Agree 100% with fazman.

Anonymous said...

Biden will have his Russian dirt exposed in 2 years time or less. He will never make it to campaign season for the next presidential election the dirt being unloaded.

Hunter did get 3.5 million from Moscow.

Russia will weaponize release of the information to keep Congress as close to even as possible to keep it fractious.

If a Democrat majority is returned to congress or looks likely, the details will be released.

The Ukrainian information will be released. Ukrainians will be rounded up and data collected. It will be reviewed to see how many Americans the Russians can blackmail or expose for political effect over Ukrainian-American corruption. I hope ambassador masha is proud of herself.

Anonymous said...

Literally everything was in place, and when the plan was submitted for the final go-ahead, Allied officials stopped it. Why? Not only did they not want to turn Hitler into a martyr of a mythical scale, but they realized that he was such a bad military strategist that if someone more competent were to replace him, ending the war would be even harder.

For the same reason this is why the Chinese and Russians have not released the information on Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.

Biden and Hunter have less than 3 years from weaponized information release.

It is not that the information is not true. The weaponization comes from the timing.

Anonymous said...

what silliness
have facts, data? give it. your QAnon bs is stupid
your comment belongs in your innuendo

Anonymous said...


Hunter Biden received a wire transfer of 3.5 million dollars from Moscow.

Then there are the pictures of Hunter.

jimbrown said...

Is that Putin in a Biden body suit facemask?
Direct disinformation?

Anonymous said...

sleepy Joe now doingSpeaking in generalities from the White House, Biden said his administration would stunt the Russian military’s ability to finance and grow its force; freeze U.S. assets held by Russian banks, including VTB; target elites and members of Putin’s inner circle; and curtail Russia’s high-tech imports in a way that could damage Moscow’s aerospace industry.

Minutes later, the White House and Treasury Department released fact sheets detailing the moves: cutting off Sberbank from the U.S. financial system; placing full blocking sanctions on VTB and three other Russian financial institutions; imposing new debt and equity restrictions on 13 enterprises and entities; targeting seven Russian elites and their families; and hitting 24 Belarusians for supporting Russia’s invasion. more than Trump would ever have done

Anonymous said...

your "fact" is not a facFact check: Unproven claims that Hunter Biden got $3.5M from Russiat!

Anonymous said...

Lololololololo you've come to this, lololololololo!

Anonymous said...

An impressive list of nothing!

Anonymous said...

"Rosemont Seneca Thornton, LLC, was incorporated in Delaware on May 28, 2013. The records do not name the founders."

Blah blah blah

So the federal government does not or cannot get to the bottom of it. For all we know Rosemont Seneca Thornton founded by Putin, The Pope or Pablo Escobar.

The least risky was for the Democrats is to allege nothing proven. If the could prove RST was founded by someone else they would have told us.

All the Democrats have shown is that if you create enough shell companies Democrats can delay or stop enough investigations that you can get away with crime.

It is interesting that Hunter is under investigation by a grand jury, while his da da is el presidente. That tells me that the DNC is not happy with Joe. If things go south for the DNC then documents will miraculously appear and Hunter will be frog marched.

Joe has to string this out as long possible.