Sunday, February 20, 2022

Russian Media Raises Alarms On Ukraine President Zelenky's Nuclear Status Threat

RT: Ukraine makes nuclear status threat 

The country’s president has requested talks on the implementation of the Budapest Memorandum Ukraine could give up its decades-old pledge to be a non-nuclear nation and reverse the decision it took to give up its atomic weapons after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned. 

Speaking at the Munich security conference on Saturday, Zelensky pointed out that in 1994 Ukraine joined the Budapest Memorandum and gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees, suggesting the move could be reversed if it is threatened by neighboring Russia.  

“Today we have neither weapons nor security. We have lost a part of our territory, which is larger by its area than Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium. And, most importantly, we’ve lost millions of our citizens. All this is absent,” Zelensky said.  

Read more ....  

Update: Nuclear Ukraine: What Kiev’s threats to acquire world’s deadliest weapons mean (RT)  

WNU Editor: I do not know why Ukraine President Zelenky brought up this nuclear status threat when he was at the Munich Security Conference. It is just fodder for Russian media to jump on, and to raise fears in Russia that Ukraine nationalists may develop and produce nuclear weapons. 

Fortunately, Ukraine is not in the position to pour what little resources they have to enrich nuclear materials to produce a nuclear weapon. They are also international repercussions for Ukraine should they decide to build a nuclear weapons stockpile.


Jac said...

Well, Zelenky has still a point on the 1994 agreement.

Anonymous said...


Zelensky was downplaying events last week and asking people to tone it down.

What changed? The Russian threat posture did not change.

What changed is that Zelensky got to the security conference and saw and heard the French and Germans did not have his back.

And then...

And then he met Kamala and saw what an unserious buffoon she is.

That is what changed. So now Zelensky is panicking, because the Germans, The French and the Americans absolutely do not have his back.

Sure the American will fight back economically and otherwise against the Russians, but it will only be for ulterior motives.

B.Poster said...

Voluntarily Giving up a nuclear deterrent would be about the dumbest thing someone could do. Perhaps Ukraine doesn't have the resources to pour into this. The American leadership class does and likeky will do so to protect their corrupt interests in Ukraine. While Russia has figured this out, Zelensky is reminding him.

International consequences? What would they be? Obvuously Israel isn't going to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. While Israel may not sell the Ukrainian chump the Iron Dome defense system, I don't envision them acting to stop Ukraine from developing nuclear weapons.

B.Poster said...

IMHO toning it down pertained to round 1. I'd liken this to a 15 round boxing natch provided someone doesn't get knocked out before hand. The US and it's "allies" won round 1 only because they were/are willing to use nukes in this instance. Of course securing the round 1 victory will be contingent on our leadership class not over playing the hand. A number of those people apoear to actually want war!! They seem to be the only ones who really do.

As for Zelensky, he feels emboldened now hence the nuke remark. He likeky thinks he can keep our leadership class under control. At least this is my take. There's still allot of rounds to go provided someone doesn't get knocked out!!