Tuesday, February 15, 2022

U.S. Intelligence Accuses The Financial Website Zero Hedge Of Spreading Kremlin Propaganda

The Hill: US accuses Zero Hedge of spreading Kremlin propaganda 

U.S. intelligence officials are accusing the conservative financial news website Zero Hedge of spreading Russian propaganda. 

The officials, who spoke to The Associated Press, pointed the figure at a number of stories published by Zero Hedge that accused the U.S. government of overly raising alarms about the prospects of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

 Some of those stories were written by people affiliated with the Strategic Culture Foundation, an organization sanctioned by the Biden administration for allegedly contributing to Russia's interference in the 2020 election, according to the AP.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: U.S. Accuses Zero Hedge of Spreading Russian Propaganda -- Bloomberg 

Update #2: US accuses financial website of spreading Russian propaganda -- AP  

WNU Editor: Zero Hedge has been online for a long time, and they post stories from multiple stories and sources. It is also one of my go-to places to obtain news and information that the main stream media refuses to report. 

So why the US government broadside against Zero Hedge? 

There are many reasons, the chief reason being that it covers news and stories that main stream organizations refuse to cover. This approach towards the news has made it a popular site, and they have earned their audience by having a track record of accuracy and honesty that many main stream media organizations cannot match.

Zero Hedge also represents one of the many growing independent news websites that cannot be controlled and/or influenced by the government. Not surprising, this inability to influence and control the message appears to be bothering some individuals in the US intel community, and they are now making their opinions (and smears) publicly known.


Anonymous said...

I took Zerohedge off my bookmarks 2 or 3 years ago for two reasons.

One, they post stuff from Strategic Culture Foundation which IMO is a Russian front group.

Second, they post Simon Black, who is IMO ads much of a fraud as Anna Sorokin only more so.

But if the intel community wants them shut down, I guess I must put Zerohedge back on the book marks.

I looked up Simon Black and he had a fraud charge in Hong Kong and/or in Singapore.

I read up on Brookings recently, where Nuland was employed and others. Brookings is the safe payday harbor for people like Nuland when they are out of power or out of favor. Nuland is also connected to the Albright group. I have no love for Albright. O d not think she is wise or gives good counsel.

So all in all Brookings seems to be a front group for the connected and rich of Washington.

Anonymous said...

If so reliable why do they stay anonymous? It is not as though they are posting stuff meant to be kept secret by the govt. Where are they located?
"The Center for European Policy Analysis, a non-profit whose funders include the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, says that wittingly or not, Zero Hedge may be a link in Russia’s propaganda network. While Zero Hedge publishes real headlines and has broken news, the fact-checking site Snopes, in its analyses of how fake stories spread on the web, has described Zero Hedge as ”conspiratorial.”

Anonymous said...

When I go to Zerohedge I pick and choose the articles I read. I ignore Strategic Culture Organization much as I ignore B Poster in comments here. I skim Poster's tripe reading the 1st sentence, but that is it. Just want to see what angle that troll is pushing. Point is I can pick articles to read by myself quite nicely without government help.

Back in 2004/2005, I considered SNOPES a good site. No longer. They work for the man.

Zerohedge was instrumental in pointing out QE1, QE2, QE3, Q-ternity, Twist. Glenn Beck pointed out that the Fed was buying individual stocks. If you are inside the Beltway and know what the Fed will buy before it does, you can clean up.

The time line graph of world reserve currency going back 5 centuries is very inconvenient for deficit spenders.

If Western leaders are so great, why do they talk about RESET after coming out of WEC meetings?

Anonymous said...

"To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative."


Anonymous said...

Guidance for Filtration and Air-Cleaning Systems to Protect Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks

"breakthrough time: Elapsed time between the initial contact of the toxic agent at a reported challenge concentration on the upstream surface of the sorbent bed and the breakthrough con-centration on the downstream side. " - CDC


Fauci has been talking so generically about masks and mask efficacy.

What is the challenge concentration, if you are standing 6 feet away from a COVID infected person?

What is the challenge concentration if you are in an ER?
What is the break through time?

What is the challenge concentration for various other situations?
What are the break through times.

"Their size is highly variable with average diameters of 80 to 120 nm."


If the particle size is smaller them mask mesh size, what use is the mask?

Fauci comesback with 'It stops aerosols and droplets."

So an aerosol particle or droplet hits a mask. What happens. The droplet break apart. Some goes off into the environment and some gets entrained in air going through the mesh.

There is a reason why there is special paint for military vehicles. Paint can absorb chemical weapons and then remit them sometime later. So a person takes off a mask after an attack thinking they are safe only to become a casualty to re-emitted fumes. A mask could do the same thing to a droplet that hits it.

Do not read this if you got a worthless degree in college.

Anonymous said...

ses financial website of spreading Russian propaganda — WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies.
Discussion: The Hill, USA Today, ZeroHedge News, The Gateway Pundit and New York Times

Anonymous said...


Fred is that you? It certainly looks like you. Can you do anything besides parrot CNN, Washington Post, and New York Times? When is your brain ever going to turnover, have ignition and begin to think?

Anonymous said...

1:47 never answered any of the arguments that Zerohedge deficit spending. Not one. I do not think 1:47 knows what money is.

Anonymous said...

"Well, is the Strategic Culture Foundation – which periodically guest posts on this website along with hundreds of other sources of alternative information – taking direction from Russian intel?

Perhaps. We don’t know. What we do know is that Alastair Crooke, one of the most prolific writers on SCF website is a former high ranking MI6 figure and UK diplomat, i.e., a former British spook. Perhaps he is now a double agent working for Putin after spending decades spying for the UK?"

I still don't like SCF. I ignore them. I looked at their contributors. I didn't like it. So Crooke is a SCF contributor and a former MI6 and? The MI6 liar Steele left a foul taste in the mouth, so having a former MI6 guy at SCF for balance or something falls on deaf ears. On the other side, anything Brennan has to say leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.


Adam said...

Same regarding the first paragraph.