Sunday, February 6, 2022

U.S. Military Vehicles Being Sent To Eastern Europe Are Not Painted In The Right Colors

WNU Editor: If war is about to break out I am sure these military vehicles will be painted in the appropriate colors very quickly.


Anonymous said...

“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” - Donald Rumsfeld

Until this year the military was concerned with Afghanistan. The money for a paint job has to be programed in. Also the paint used is special. The paint is made is that it will not injure the troops. You can't find that just anywhere.

When Pelosi and Schumer were increasing government debt by spending 4 years worth of budget in 2 years due to COVID, they did not program money in for paint jobs.

Push comes to shove, the troops will raid the paint store and use nonspec paint and stand a better chance at living.

Caecus said...

they will be painted in rainbow colours when they reach their destination #diversityisourstrength

Anonymous said...

You don’t have time to paint and maintain your vehicles when your sitting in another class telling you how horrible your country is and that your main enemy is the majority population.

Jac said...

If it was happening under Trump.....

Anonymous said...

"If it was happening under Trump..."
